Anyway, I had a wonderful birthday. My daughter made me a cake - chocolate with fudge icing. She didn't want me to post a picture because she assumed mom had decorating things in the house which I didn't (I usually do the decorating without buying decorating icing or anything - that stuff tastes so awful), so her cake, she felt was less than spectacular. But don't tell - I'll post a pic:

I think she did very well with the little sprinkles she found in the cupboard. Notice the peace symbol at the top - she is all about peace symbols lately - must be a 'tween thing.

Served with great ice cream - white chocolate raspberry swirl. The cake was delicious! The kids and DH also gave me a cell phone because they think that I'm the most technically challenged person on the face of the earth.

The kids are all about texting and mom (that would be moi), just cannot text on those phones where you have to punch three times to get the letter "c", and then three more times to get the letter "i". Drives me nuts. So they got me one a little more advanced. It's a self-serving gift I think. They text me all the time - me, I don't really text at all. But I do love it.
Monday, Terri and Julie (who has no blog and who must be arm twisted to get one), took me out to lunch! I should have taken pics with the phone! See, not technically advanced. Anyway, we had great sandwiches at Panera and then presents! And oh my gosh, were there presents. I was really just about speechless and blown away.

Terri gave me this adorable set that I think she painted and distressed (did you Terri?) Anyway, she used a lot of ingenuity with this one. She took the design from the Hornbook Angel pattern done by Lisa of The Primitive Needle and adapted it for needlepunch! Isn't it wonderful? I definitely need to post this where Lisa will see it. But that's not all with this set.

Terri lined the box (excellent job) with some BBD sampler fabric and included some antique buttons. But wait, there's more.

Then she made a pincushion and inserted it in to the one of the round boxes!
And to top it off:

A beautiful (just love them) pair of Gingher scissors (to add to my minuscule scissor collection) with a fob that she made herself. I think that it looks excellent on my recently acquired scissor frog.

Perfect, don't you think? And I should mention here that the fob and scissors next to it, were also a present from her a year or so ago! So they will reside in my frog together. I think they're sisters!
Then Julie gave me this. Not the greatest picture, but I didn't have a hook in any of my walls that I could hang this from. I will definitely take a better picture once it's mounted on the wall and floss rings attached. But it's a swivel wall mount with five arms.

And again I was just about speechless because I had wanted one to hang my thread rings in my new craft room (still under construction and updates in another post). She didn't know that I had wanted one, but she wanted to get me something for my new room. I think that she picked the most perfect thing!
She also made me a floss tag:

This was stitched from the Prairie Schooler's sampler, Johnny Appleseed! Very cool and I'm such a sap, I almost hate using it for fear something will happen to it. I may hang it from my Ott Lamp so I can just look at it! Like I said, I was totally blown away with these wonderful gifts! Thank you with a lot of hugs, Terri and Julie.
On Wednesday, I went out with my BFF Diane. Mexican food and margaritas! OLE! We had a great time and more presents:

The Promise by Shepherd's Bush stitched by Diane's own hands!!!! I need to get a better picture of this, but with glass on it, it's a little bit difficult. I just about fell off the seat (and no it wasn't the margarita! LOL) Now wouldn't this make you want to fall off your seat?? Seriously! And Diane always adds some little twist to everything that she does. She added an ark charm to bottom (I don't think you can clink on the picture to make it bigger - I'm going to have to work on that). And then:

Two magnets with Chessie & Me samplers (excuse the bad pic)! I love both of these gifts so much! The SB will have a prominent place on the SB wall in the guest room and I'll think of her each and every time I walk by it (which is will be lot because it's my refuge when DH snores like a freight train!). Many, many, many hugs to you Di! I absolutely love, love, love it.
I think that I'm very blessed with the best and greatest friends!
Okay, now I'll get off the birthday horse (although I'm still doing happy dances) and back to stitching.

The craft room, for obvious reasons, has not been touched in the last week or so, although FIL called with the total amount for the craft table. My FIL, being from the old school, thought the price was a little high, but it ended up being about 1/3 the price I thought it would be for the materials, so I told him to "let the games begin" and get that puppy started. Obviously, I need to get back down there and do a little more work. I did manage to pick up a couple more items for the room, but I'll show them in another post. Don't want to overdo the pictures!
That's about it. I'd say that's quite a lot! Thanks to everyone for all your great comments (I'm still trying to catch up on everyone's blogs for all the partying I've done this week), and thank you Terri, Julie and Diane for making this the best birthday ever (oh yes, DH and kids too!).
Wow! You do have some great friends! Tell them my birthday's in October so they have time to get my gifts done...LOL
Belated Happy Birthday!
Wow!!! I think you had a great birthday!!! What a haul! You have some very special friends there. And special hubbie and kids as well. Happy belated birthday! (I have grey hairs too, and I don't hide them.)
Happy belated birthday Debbie. Sounds like you had a really good time.; ) Your Adam and Eve is coming along really nice even if you did not have a lot of time lately.
Oh. My. Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about one spoiled lady!! I can't even say wow about one, because they are all major wow gifts. Incredible. I'm so glad you were thoroughly spoiled, Deb; you deserve it!!
Love your A&E progress--I can definitely see the progress, even if you can't! ;)
Happy Belated, dear Debbie!! OH my, what fabulous gifties to make the heart sing with joy! Wonderful family and friends and a cake too, can't get any better then that! And you are so deserving, kudos to them for recognizing that and treating you good for your birthday!
Love your A&E progress, keep it up, it is looking so grand!:)
I lol'ed when I read that "Slow boat to China" bit–Lol! I have felt that, was the time I decided to stitch 1 over 1 on some 32 ct. Belfast. (Let us never speak of this again...)
Awesome haul! I can actually text faster on the phone pad than on one of those qwerty setups...thanks to a little thing called predictive text aka "T9". Now, the kids have probably told you about it, and you probably don't care, but Predictive Text is a function on your phone where you hit the key once (not 2 or 3 times). As you go along, the phone "Guesses" what you are trying to say. So, If I want to text you about an "impediment" I just type "4673 etc..." now, with just those 4 numbers, it will guess I'm trying to say "hope", but don't worry, just keep going. By the time you get to the end of the word, the computer has guessed it! Of course, there are some words that have the same key combo (e.g. "me" and "of"), so in cases like that you have to hit the "next" key to make it cycle to the next entry in the dictionary with that key sequence.
So, in a nutshell, there's the Great Secret of how kids can text so fast. :P
WOW oh WOW do you ever have some great friends and great gifts too. I do hope you use your new cell too. Happy belated Birthday to you as well. Love Patti xxx
Happy Birthday!
Looks like you got some great stuff!
And I'm sure that you'll get back to Eden eventually... it will still be there when you are ready for it. ;)
What a great haul you got from your dear friends! They've really got your number, don't they ;-)
Glad you had a nice b-day, that cake looks delish! You have a sweet, sweet family!
Happy birthday to you !!!!!!!!!!! What a great gift you got !!!
Hi Deb,
Happy Belated Birthday. It sounds like you had a wonderful and what great friends you have. Your presents are really lovely.
You sound like me I am hopeless at texting. I tried but ended up with the strangest message lol that I gave up trying.
Your DH and mine sound like their are quite similar. Mine complains that I am always sitting with a needle in my hand, but if I didn't I'd go crazy as he watches sport all the time. But I must admit that I secretly think that he is proud of what I do as occasionally he will take something that I have finished before it is framed to show the girls that he works with.
BTW I have grey hair too, but it becomes a bit of a worry when you start to walk like your Mother lol. Have a lovely weekend - Sandra.
Happy birthday and what great friends you have.
Happy late Birthday, Deb! It sounds like you had a wonderful day. What nice gifts all the way around. :) Nice phone and great stitching. I really like the wall mount too.
Happy Birthday!
I love that blue smapler fob and the swivel bracket is awesome. I love those kinds of designs.
Cool phone; I don't even have a cell phone because I gave mine to my son who actually gets use out of it.
That framed Noah's Ark gift is so wonderful, what a wonderful friend she must be to stitch so much and frame it for you too. It's beautiful.
To get your photos to be enlarged when clicked once you upload the photo you can't move it except for in the html tab. If you move it, it will not enlarge.
I always upload the photos first in the order I want them in (in blogger, it is bass ackwards the last photo is the first one). I add the text to the photos after they are uploaded. Hope this helps.
Your Adam and Eve is looking so wonderful. Can you make the sheeps legs a little longer, will that work instead of frogging him out? Or give him an extra mound of grass under his feet.
Whenever I make an oops, I try to see if there is a way around it before frogging. Frogging is the last resort for me.
Happy belated birthday. GREAT gifts, they are all lovely. Beautiful new phone too. Your Adam and Eve is growing nicely too - and looks lovely.
Oh yes Deb, time for another visit! If you want the chicken, just give me a call and I'll hold it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Sounds like you had a fabulous time with friends - and what great gifts! Hope to see you soon, Dawn
Happy belated birthday! Some great presents, wow, I am impressed! Our birthdays are close together and you should have figured out how old I am by my graduation date! LOL I see some familiar names in here that have made comments....small world!!!
GO WINGS!!!!!!
My goodness! You certainly got a bunch of birthday gifts. I saw several that would be something I would love to receive as a gift. Lucky you. And a late Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday Debbie! The cake looked great with that handmade, artistically designed decorating! Thands for sharing all your pics too!
Belated Happy Birthday, you lucky girl! Beautiful pressies. How great to have such talented and sweet stitching friends!
Happy, happy (belated) birthday! Wow, what gorgeous goodies - you'll be dancing long past your birthday for the joy of them! :D
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you.........
(in my best voice) LOL
Adam and Eve is looking great too by the way.
Oh how I wish I had friends that lived close. I miss that part since I moved here to North Georgia 8 years ago.
Love the scissors! I got my first pair of Ginghers 4-5 months ago and love them!
What a great post! Happy belated birthday wishes from me - I'm glad you had a good day. You received some fantastic gifts from your friends, how wonderful!
Your friends are awesome!!! What a great birthday plus presents. Thanks for sharing your A&E progress.
Happy birthday to you!!! Fun gifts and the promise of a beautiful craft room. That is great. I think your cake looks yummy.
I am being really being bad with too many starts right now but it is partly because I am not able to do anything but sit on the couch and stitch. I guess being sick can have a silver lining. I am working on Nobody Loves Me right now. It is fun.
By the way, my brother made a rule that we drop the first number of our ages when he turned 30. I am 5 and having fun being 5 for the *cough* As far as grey hair, I used to hide it but no longer do. I just tell people it is flour as I baked that day. :-)
Hugs ~
Woo Hoo, you! Happy happy birthday! Such lovely stitchy gifts....what a treasure good friends and family are!
Happy belated Birthday to another Gemini. :) Wow you got some stunning gifts. Love the box and accessories!
Thank you so much for the lovely comments on my blog.
Happy Belated Birthday! Looks like you were nice and spoiled! Aren't that what birthdays are for? definately not for acknowledging we are getting older! lol
love the new phone too! and the cake, very cute!!
Wow! What an amazing day you had!!!! The gifts are wonderful, and it's apparent your friends really know what would make you happy! Love that hook for your thread rings - how cool is that! And I totally wish I had an artichoke scissor frog.
Happy belated birthday to you, you spring chick! I want your friends to be my friends as well!!!!! Holy Mooly. I just don't know what I would say to such wonderful gifts. You are very lucky indeed. It sounds like it was a wonderful day.
I like your A&E sampler. It's looking really great! I am finally on block 5 of Shores. I'm going to try my darnedest to keep up with you, but you are hard to keep up with!
I know what you mean about not doing much this week. It has been one of those indeed! The weeds in the yard keep interfering with my stitching plans!
Have a great weekend. I'll talk to you soon.
Sorry I missed wishing a Happy Birthday yesterday. It looks like you had a most wonderful birthday :) You received some wonderfully thoughtful gifts :) Enjoy each and every one of them :)
So glad you liked your gifts, Deb. Sorry the lining in the box was so wonky.... I painted the smaller boxes (I have a set just like 'em) but I didn't paint the one I put the punch needle in. I found that box at a store, hated what was in it so took that out and replaced it with the angel.
Happy, Happy Day!!!
Happy belated birthday to you! You've got some terrific birthday gifts, they are all wonderful!
Great progress on your Adam & Eve piece.
Fabulous prizes! So glad your birthday was a great one. Congratulations on another trip around the sun.
Lovely lovely things! Happy Birthday!! It seems like you had a wonderful time and wonderful presents!
Well HAPPY HAPPY belated Birthday, Debbie! Wowzers! Great gifts from some great friends!! You are blessed! :o) Hope your week's been just swell!
Happy birthday, Deb!!! Looks like you had a great one and were blessed by friends and family alike! :) BTW - I totally agree about the phones w/o a full qwerty keyboard, lol! MY hubby has one and flies on it, but it takes me like 5 minutes to punch out t-h-e, lol! I have one just like yours and love it! Can't wait to see your new space! TTFN ~robin
Happy belated birthday! What wonderful gifts you got, and the cake looked so yummy. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I wanted to let you know that the paint I used is called "Patina." I THINK it is an Alyssa Ashley color, and I get all of my paint at Lowes--this one in particular is ValSpar.
Hi Debbie, I wish you a very happy birthday although I am a little late : so sorry !!
your friends spoilt you a lot and it is just marvellous !!
When I was reading your message, I inmediately thought our husbands were really the same all around the world .....and I uppose it is fine , isn't it ??enjoy your presents !!
Happy Happy Birthday! Love all your birthday goodies!! :)
I hope another great year awaits you! Hugs!
Happy, happy birthday Deb!!! Love all your fantastic presents from all your family and very special friends! You are a lucky, lucky lady!!! And I love your A&E! I know that 40 count is slow going but sooo worth it when it's finished!
Happy belated Birthday! Deb
Wow! you got lots of wonderful things.
Wow, what a wonderful birthday! I think your cake looks wonderful, and you can see all the TLC that went into it. You received some fantastic gifts from some very talented friends. If this is getting old why would anyone mind?!!
Happy Belated Birthday!
I think your Adam & Eve sampler looks lovely!
Happy Belated Birthday Deb! So glad you had a fantastic time and, wow, you received some gorgeous gifts!
Your Adam and Eve sampler is coming along nicely. Every little stitch helps:)
Happy belated Birthday :) All of your gifts look so wonderful, lucky you! The cake looks delicious too.
Happy Belated Birthday!! You are very spoiled-- HOW WONDERFUL!!!! You received some fabulous gifts. Your A & E will be moving back to normal after all the excitement of your birthday and fancy drinks!! LOL. Cant wait to see the craft table!!!! It is gonna be great.
Happy birthday to you ...
I saw many wonderfull needles works in your blog...It's a pleasure.
I will come back to visit you.
Have a very nice day !
Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday! It looks like it was a wonderful one with special gifts from family and special friends.
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