Hence, the name Master of Disaster. Although I guess that should be Mistress of Disaster. You know, you think all this is going to go faster than it does, but then there is all the regular running, cleaning, cooking (why does my family need to eat), gardening (not too much of that - we had a hard frost again last night), etc. So this is a very slow go! Plus, you tend to take your time looking through everything that you've accumulated over a span of years and you come across some charts and wonder to yourself, "What was I thinking!!!!" LOL Then there are those charts you think, "Well, I'll stitch this, won't I"? I finally had to tell myself that with all the charts I love, I'll be stitching for the next bazillion years - so out go the ones that I sit on the fence with. Then there is just the sheer joy of fondling all the stash - looking at all the wonderful things you can stitch - if you only get the time! LOL And all this takes time.

I know that I'm going to be so much happier when this is cleared up. I have cleaned a little bit more since I took this picture. But there is an almost exhilarating feeling to destash the stash, so to speak. I've filled a whole Rubbermaid bin with things that are going to a new home. I'm not sure what to do with this stuff - Ebay or donate to the library for their booksale. I'd love to get some cash for the stuff, but some of these charts date back about 30 years (cutesy geese and bears, etc.), so I don't know if people would really pay money for any of it.
As a result of all the cleaning, very little progress has been on the stitching front.

I've made it over to the right side this week and almost have Eve completed (really need to fill in those leaves on A&E. This is not a hard stitch, except for the fact that there are quarter stitches (can't remember when I did those last), and backstitching in the leaves, etc. So, that, coupled with my not getting to sit down until later in the evening has made for a very slow go. I didn't pick up Shores yet, but I need to so that Block #4 can be finished before the end of the month. Although part of my crazy self has had strange urges to work on VoHRH, HoHRH or Ann Medd. Sticking to one project is something I don't handle well.
Since I've been so stitch-deficient, I thought I'd post a couple more of the quilts that I've done, mainly because one of them hangs in my craft room and since I was taking pictures of the disaster, I thought I'd take a picture of the one in there. I have had a tremendous urge to quilt lately - an overwhelming urge, actually. Probably brought on by all the blogs that I've visited recently. Plus I came across some great homespun and primitive fabrics and a pattern from The Buggy Barn (for those of you who quilt) that I can't wait to take the 'ole rotary cutter to. I'm hoping that my FIL is working on my table as I write this (of course, it would help if the room was painted too).

This is a wallhanging that needs to be backed and bound. I did this for a quilt shop that I practically lived in for a while (they have since gone out of business which makes me sad). I was cranking out quilts right and left and the shop owners asked me if I would do models for their shop. It's a great deal because they supply the pattern, I pick out the fabrics (with their guidance because they want a certain look), I sew it together, and after it hangs in the shop for awhile, it's mine to keep. Free to me except for a little bit of sweat labor!
This is another quilt I did for the shop. It was a Jinny Beyer kit called Mirage and believe me, this was not for the faint hearted. They convinced me that I could do it. Well, I was just stupid enough to believe them, but a couple of the blocks had to be almost all handpieced. Not my favorite thing to do as I've mentioned before. I think I also ran over their deadline by a couple of weeks because it was so complicated. This was a kit that retailed for $200+. Would I have purchased it? Probably not even though I was really drawn to it (I think I was remembering all the quilts I had cut out and that were waiting for me to sew), but since it was "free", except for my labor, I jumped on it. I think it's one of my favorite quilts.

And this is another one I did for the shop. I really like this one a lot. I actually hand stitched the applique onto this which is something I hate doing. It's made with Thimbleberry fabrics which I have a preference for. This is more of a wall hanging size quilt so I basically use it to cover my dining room table on and off during the year.
Well, that's it for now. I doubt I'll get much stitching done this week either. My dental surgery is on Wednesday. I've been told that I can't do much of anything for the next week because of it being a more complicated surgery. Plus I'm not suppose to bend my head for a few days! Now this doesn't bother me from the housework end, but not to be able to stitch! AUGHHH! So I'm on the search today for some things that are small and can be put into the Q-Snaps so I can hold them up and not bend my head. We'll see what happens.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week! And thank you again for all your nice comments!
Deb...oh my, your quilts are beyond gorgeous and I am very envious. The more quilts I see, the more I want to learn how! I always told myself when I got old (older) I would take up quilting. Hmmm maybe that is the reason I am suddenly jonesing to do it, I am getting older by the day!!
I think you have made great progress on A&E and keep up that de-stashing, I know it is labor-intensive, but so worth it in the end!
Debbie,those charts can earn you great stash money if you sell them. The older they are the more valuable they are as OOP charts. Girl, do you make lovely quilts or what!!! Awesome!!! Great progress on A&E. Good luck with the dentist.
Deb, good luck with your dental surgery -- doesn't sound like much fun. :( Hope you manage to get your stitching room cleaned up too. Your quilts are wonderful -- I especially love that Jinny Beyer quilt! Wow!!! Absolutely spectacular! You are a definite quilt master if you made that quilt!
All the work you are putting into getting your room together is worth it, you will really enjoy it once it's done!! Love your progress on A&'E and I'll be thinking good thoughts for you on Wednesday.
Good luck with the dental surgery.
I wish I had it in me to destash the stash, but I am not sure any body would want what I don't want any longer...
good luck with your dental surgery. Hope it all goes smoothly!
Good job on your destashing, feels good doesn't it?!
Love your progress on your A&E!
oooh la la - your quilts are gorgeous - I have always wanted to quilt but it just isn't my thing and while I love to look at fabric and fondle the quilts - I would just rather stitch or hook.
Your A&E is awesome! I love it and you are making progress - I can see it - Good luck with your surgery - yes do find a little piece you can work on - sitting still will get boring after a while but I do hope it goes as well as can be expected and you come back and give us an update when you can - Mel
Your A&E is looking great, Deb. In my slow stitching world - you've accomplished a HUGE amount!!! Your quilts are gorgeous - you are one talented lady, for sure. You know of course, I'm wishing you good luck on your surgery and I am looking forward to lunch!
Don't you just love leisurely browsing through all of your old charts and stuff, it's like an afternoon with an old friend. (I wrote that in a poem, it is on the sidebar of my blog).
I love how adam and eve are coming along, I really like the part of that chart that you haven't gotten to yet, I will be keeping an eye on here to see your progress.
All of your quilts look marvelous, wow.
You are finding old friends in your sewing room! And you will feel renewed when the clean out/clean up is done.
Love the quilt with the Jinney Beyer fabrics.
I know exactly what you are saying about having charts from way back that you wonder now why ever you bought them. I have lots like that and I am not certain what to do with them either. What fabulous quilts you make. What a talent that is. I wish I knew how to do that.
All the best with the dental surgery.
The quilts are absolutelty gorgeous.
I love going through my stash and rediscovering them, lol
I do hope the dental surgery goes weel for you on Wednesday
Your A&E is coming along so nicely.
Mirage is such a stunner. You should be very proud.
Oh, Deb, your quilts are fantastic! That Jinny Beyer makes my hands curl, and my mouth water.... gorgeous!!! I looove her designs! They are all absolutely scrumptious. Have you seen Windows? It's the one on the cover of her book "Quiltmaking by Hand". She made it after 9/11. Absolutely stunning. I have dreams (fantasies, really - dream indicates a certain degree of likelihood) of being able to quilt like that. A&E is looking really wonderful - you go girl! Good luck with your dental surgery on Wednesday... that sounds like the absolute opposite of fun. I'll be thinking of you! ~Robin
Your quilts are so great, hope i learn the art someday!! I drool over them, but feel they are way too tough for me to handle.
Good luck with your de-stashing. Let me know if you have any birds/ birdhouse related charts, LOL. Also if you have any mice /cat /teddy /bunny stitching, i will most likely be your de-stasher:)
Good Luck with your dentist!
Hi Debbie,
Love your quilts!! Hope your dental surgery goes well.
Oh. my. goodness!! The stash, the quilts, the stash (did I mention the quilts)? You know I have always been a huge fan of your quilting. Absolutely beautiful Deb. And yes, Miss Emmie does look a bit peeved. :) I'll be thinking about you and the surgery tomorrow. You know... I hear margaritas can be wonderful pain-numbers (just let me know when you're ready)! ;)
Your quilts are so beautiful! I'd put the charts on ebay-I've sold lots that way. Good luck with your dental surgery-that's never any fun, but I'm sure you will have a quick recovery and be stitching by the weekend for sure.
Oh look at these, lovely, lovely beautiful quilts...do you have my address? :)
Well Mistress...keep cleaning...cause I know your new fantabulous craft room with table is going to be the bomb!
Gorgeous quilts! I've pieced them, but have never quilted one. I had a deal with my grandma ... after I pieced two for her, she'd hand-quild one for me. What a deal.
Good job of destashing. It's on my list of summer chores.
Wow your quilts are absolutely gorgeous Deb.
Lovely progress on A&E too.
I hope your clearing up and de-stashing is going well. I do that every so often too!
Good luck for your surgery. I'll be thinking of you.
Those quilts are really something special! Good Luck at the dentist.
It is so fun to go through all the stash and see what you have purchased. Good luck with your destashing.
I don't quilt, so I'm in awe of anyone who can. Your A&E is coming along nicely. Isn't it fun?
Good luck with the dental work.
Hope your dental surgery went very smoothly. I love your quilt, they are so beautiful. I am also in the process of reorganizing my craft and business areas. I just hate when I can't find anything.
Your quilts are gorgeous! I have a Jinny Beyer kit I need to make too. I think it's called Aberdeen. Good for you for cleaning out your stash too! Your A&E is coming along!
Good luck with the sorting. I haven't cross-stitched in over 20 years yet I still cannot let go of my charts and magazines. You're a brave gal!
I love your quilts but I must say that the Mirage quilt just draws me in. Beautiful job!
:)Wow~ what a stash! I ask myself "why, oh why?" a lot. I'm sure that there are people out there that would love to buy your stash!
Your quilts are just stunning! They make my eyes very happy! And I love the progress on your Adam and Eve. I've got my heart set on stitching it in the near future.
Beautiful progress on A&E Deb! It's coming along so nice! Your quilts are so pretty too! :)
Wow !! Deb , your quilts are so gorgeous : they are really a treasure !!
you made a nice progress on your stitching : the colors look nice on the fabric :-)
Please , take care of yourself about your dental surgery : that sounds a little sorrowful :-(
Why does a vision of you lying on your back, holding your stitching up so that you can still stitch & not bend your head come to mind?? I hope the surgery goes better than you expect & that recovery is swift!
I LOVE all your quilts!! You are the master! You've made tremendous progress on your A&E, too--looks wonderful!
YGG on the great craft room clean out. Isn't it so nice to clear out stuff like that? I did that last year when we moved. I even... don't faint... stuck stuff in our recycling bin. I figured I'd pass on the stuff that could be used but the cutesie stuff or freebies I knew I wouldn't stitch were recycled.
I'll be thinking of you today!
Deb, I wish you luck with the surgery. A wooden floor stand is so good for that as you can put your Qsnap in them and stitch without holding it. You can find them on Ebay.
Your quilts are breath-taking.You are so talented!
Deb, your quilts are amazing! That is a great deal to sew for a store. I have that Jinny Beyer pattern, but I don't know if I'll ever get to it.
I'm so proud of you for cleaning out your sewing closet. Mine needs it so bad, but really it needs me to get my projects finished so they can be taken out of there!
Your sampler is looking lovely. Somehow you do find time to keep putting in the stitches!
I'll be thinking of you today. Good luck with your surgery. I'm sure you will come through it just fine.
Sell your charts on EBay. You'll be surprised how much you can get for them! Do you have any Told in a Garden Amish samplers? I'd be happy to buy them from you, as I'm having an Amish fetish after going to PA last week.
Take Care. I hope to hear from you soon.
Oh wow... your quilts are gorgeous! I haven't done much applique but I love the way it looks. Great job on the organizing! I say go got eBay.. You can always sell the old stuff in lots. People will buy them!
Deb those charts can earn you stash money if you sell them in ebay,because the older they are the more valuable they are.
the quilt are stunning,amazing work.
Those quilts are GORGEOUS! I love your choice of colors and fabrics!
Good luck with the dental surgery. I have had my share and I hope I never have any again. I wish you a painfree and speedy recovery.
Hi Debbie,
I'm enjoying seeing your progress on A & E!
I love the title of your last post as I feel many days that saying is the slogan of my life! :-)
The quilts are just beautiful! Thank you for sharing. :-)
Well, about your room and you creative disarray... You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. LOL!
Windy Meadow
What a beautiful collection of quilts. They are gorgeous.
Your A&E is looking lovely. Great Progress.
Good luck at the dentist. They are such a pain. - Sandra.
Your quilts are fabulous. SOOOO lovely. A&E looks fantastic too.
De-stashing is always great because it's wonderful to go through all your charts and magazines and discover things you had forgotten about. I hope you can make a bit of money selling a part of your stash so that you can buy new stash, lol.
Your quilts look terrific!
I hope your surgery went fine and that you will be your old self very soon.
Your quilts are beautiful! Lovely progress on your stitching too.
The quilts are great Deb! Man...that Jinny Beyer is gorgeous!!! Her quilts always GLOW but I'm too chicken to tackle all that precision! Gorgeous!!!
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