This weekend was really one of frustration. But on a good note, I have a finish! Woo Hoo!! I finished the first block of the Shores of Hawk Hollow. I finished it on Friday in plenty of time to start on the CHS Adam and Eve SAL. Or so I thought.
I had the fabric mounted, threads gathered, ready to settle down on Friday night and get a little head start on the SAL. Did it happen? No! AUGHHHHH!!!!! The fabric I ordered (35 ct Onyx) - well, let's just say, I couldn't see the holes to stitch. After trying all means of illuminating the fabric (i.e., flashlight on my lap, tap light, etc.), I still could not see the holes. When I smelled the distinct scent of burning cordoroy, I decided to get the lighting paraphenalia off my lap and abandon ship. Instead of stitch ass, I was going to have hot crotch if I didn't give up. The fabric and I were just not going to get along. After an hour of fooling with it and trying to put in some stitches (six, if I remember right) that didn't look like any stitch I'd ever seen, I gave up.
So I went to plan B - stitching one of the Country Stitches designs

In fact, I was going to stitch both of them on the same piece of fabric - so I'm all set - fabric mounted, threads gathered. Well, I was going to start with the bird first as I had the oil can that I found on Ebay. The problem, the key didn't match up to the chart! Now, this shouldn't have been this hard for me to figure out, but by now I'm in a totally frustrated mood. It's getting past my bedtime and I just don't feel like trying to figure out what color goes where by the picture on the front. After the black fabric fiasco and now this, I was done!
During all this time, my family is watching me warily and they're keeping their distance. They know that something is amiss because mom is running in circles around the house, her hair is flying around her head and numerous trips are made to the craft room. They all sneak off to bed after a quick kiss (perhaps they were afraid I was going to bite them, smack them with the scroll rods or throw needles) hoping that mom will have settled down by the morning. After a while I try to settle down and start on Block 2 of Shores. But this isn't what I want to do. So, I start on the angel instead, but I really had my heart set on doing the bird. You know how that is??? I finally end up going to bed thinking that (in the words of Scarlett) tomorrow is another day.
I wake up the next morning still obsessing about the A&E sampler. I really wanted to do it. The lightbulb goes off that maybe, just maybe, I have some good old Belfast black linen downstairs. Black fabric is definitely not something I have an abundance of. Well, a quick visit to the bottom of the trusty linen bin produces not only Belfast but a piece of 25 Luguana. These pieces of fabric have probably been there for 15 years when my eyesight was better. Whoopie! I think, and bound back up the stairs. But then I sit down and think this over. 32 count over 2 or 25 count over one - that is the question. I start thinking that most of the A&E things I have tend to be on the bigger size, so maybe I should do the 25 over 1 and make it smaller. My head starts swimming again - 6:30 in the morning is too early for my brain to do any heavy lifting. So I decide not to start anything until I can kind of envision the patterns and how I want the wall to look when these are all stitched - some big, some small, some medium.
I finally end up going into my upstairs craft supply cupboard (conveniently located next to my stitching chair and the liquor cabinet ) where I keep projects that I think that I'm most likely to start next (of course, this changes as the moon goes through it's phases). I pull out The Mermaid Sampler by Carriage House. I was tempted to pull out a bottle of something at this point but refrained. No sense my family coming down to an intoxicated mother first thing in the morning (although Kahlua in my coffee sounded tempting).

I'm doing this on a lighter fabric than the chart called for because it seems like such a dark project color-wise (although my picture lightens it up a bit) so I'm using Vintage Country Mocha and I think it works pretty well. I'm liking this so much that I'm planning on spending a couple more days on it before I go back to the angel, start A&E and start on Block 2 of Shores. Whew! It was a welcome relief to sit down and stitch last night. And yes, I poured myself a glass of wine and stitched my heart out. My husband and kids crept slowly back into the room and all was well.
I didn't mention during all of this was that I was doing my normal trolling of the internet and came across the new Sampler Company "Sailor's Wife Sampler". This got my heart going because I love her designs and it would fit in quite nicely with the nautical bathroom (although at the rate I'm going that nautical themed bathroom is a long way off). So this got me going through my Sampler Company patterns and I pulled out Kind Fond Love (I also saw someone doing this on one of the boards and started obsessing - these blogs are very bad things!). So Sailor's Wife is a definite "gimme" as soon as I pick up the phone and order it. Oh, and I slapped the fabric for KFL on rods. I never know when the mood is going to strike. Threads are at the ready and this time I'll be prepared.
My relentless pursuit of the postman did pay off a little and I did get a little bit of the stash I ordered. There is still more out there, but for now I'm a happy girl.

And just today, the postman brought the other A&E that I've been waiting for - The Primitive Needle's A & E. Whoo Hoo. I don't know what it is about this one, but I love, love, love it. If I had the fabric in hand (still out there in snail mail land), this could really tempt me (and the snake wouldn't even have to be present!).
Well, I think that's enough for today. I'm hoping for a restful week of stitching and I hope everyone else gets that too. Thanks to all of you for stopping by and making comments. I love hearing from everyone!
Deb, what an experience! lol! I read the part about the kids and husband being wary of you to my hubby and he cracked up. :D I'm glad you got settled down -- hope A&E works out for you. I'm always amazed at how you and Terri do over one -- I wish I could do that!
Your hot crotch comment really cracked me up!
You got some great stash and I love your Mermaid start, very pretty.
Thank goodness you saved yourself from a hot crotch! Seeing on black fabric just gets harder and harder. Love all your A&E samplers. I have the one from Primitive Needle on order. I may have to order Temptation next, because that's not in my stash. And then to see you working on Shores ... oh, I can't wait to start that.
Deb I really feel for you with the black especially that black. I have been told by various people that that brand of fabric is even hard to see on 30ct and with my old eyes I'm not going there.
I love all your stash and what you have stitched so far. I also really love the new CHS one that you are about to stitch and agree that a lighter color fabric would do it more justice imho. Lots of Love Patti xxx
YGG on finishing the first block of Shores! Woo!! LOL about the hot crotch. Sorry to hear about the frustration, though. Great stash haul! I just ordered Temptation, too. :)
Love your blog header pic!
Love your stitchy stash, Deb but..... I'll bet Dan would have loved the hot crotch (hence forth known as HC) even more! Sorry, how could I resist commenting on THAT???? I am seriously cracking up - I'd tell Rob about it but he might ask why I never get HC?! LOL!!!!
I love your first block of Shores, well done! Thanks for the giggles, and what a great start on Mermaid Sampler.
LOL wow ....Too funny! I love all of the stash you got... Have fun and hopefully your fabric fiasco is behind you :)
Thanks for stopping by.
I was laughing hard while reading your post - although I can see that the whole situation wasn't all fun. Now I'm curious to see what black fabric you finally choose for the A&E piece.
Congratulations on finishing your first block of Shores. And you received some very nice stash. A part of it will also be my new stash, lol.
Your post made me laugh. I love that the stash cupboard is conveniently located near the stitching chair and liquor cabinet. LOL! Love Shores and the Mermaid!! :) Also love all of your new stash. :)
Deb, sorry about your frustration, and sorry that it made me laugh. But, only because I so understand that frustration, and my family starts tiptoe-ing around me when I get that way. For me, its usually something stitchy has gone missing. You have got to email me privately--I went to college in Rochester, and family lived down the road in Birmingham--its like getting back to my roots, lol. Been too long in Indiana for my taste. Must check to see if my email is in my profile.
Hot crotch. OMG too funny! Love all the stash (those threads are yummy) and woo hoo you are working away on Shores. It's gorgeous Deb. Yay on the Mermaid Sampler start, too. Hmmm, stitching chair near liquor cabinet... love it!
You are too funny! I know exactly what you are saying when everyone in the house gives you wide berth.
Can't wait to see more progress.
You are so funny! I'm glad you didn't get hot crotch! There are some days when it's better to just step away from the stitching and do something else. Love your new stash I have Sailor's Wife on its way to me...but I really need to order Temptation. Block 1 of your Shores is beautiful. I hope mine stitches up as beautifully.
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