Okay, I know that stitching is supposed to be fun (thanks Siobhan!) , but I hate when I hit a brick wall. Provence is starting to be like a bad relative that has worn out their welcome!. Don't get me wrong, I love it, it's just the old Gemini in me needs a break. Of course, what do I want to do? Something that I thought I had all the materials for and can't find them. This peeves me off because all my stitching supplies are organized and categorized - Excel spreadsheets for charts, fabric and floss. Fabric on hangers - marked as to what it is and the count, etc., charts (of which I'd be embarrassed to admit how many I have) alphabetized by designer and then alphabetized by pattern name in binders - yep, I'm kind of anal sometimes and proud of it!!). So I'm pulling my hair out because I want to do Frances Eden, but the fabric is nowhere to be found. AUGHHHHHH!!
I put myself on a stash restriction because my craft room holds what is literally a small needlework and craft store (I quilt, knit, etc., etc., - a true Gemini). But I have a funny feeling that before the week is out I'm going to cave and order fabric for Frances. If I still had a LNS around, you know I'd be in my car today driving like a mad woman (even though we've had even more snow around here) to get that fabric! Instead, I have to call around and hope that someone has it and then wait for it to get here.
But yesterday I spent some quality time in my craft room trying to find something that I had all the supplies for - and there are a lot of them - but as you know, nothing is "calling to me". Isn't that the way? I settled for a smaller project (because I just know that I'm going to order that fabric and need something to occupy my time until it arrives).

I decided to do some pinballs. In June, my sampler guild hosted Kathy Barrick. What a hoot she was! Her class was so much fun!. We did one pinball with decorator fabric first to get the feel for making one so that our stitched fabric wouldn't be ruined by us not having a clue as to what we were doing (my finished sample is at the top of the two charts). I'm going to play with the colors on the backgrounds of these as I don't like the browns (maybe blue or cranberry?).
Okay, I've made my decision. Now I can go clean toilets or something so it actually looks like I did something around here instead of obsessing about stitching!!!
Oh, and I do plan on spending some more time on Ann Medd too!!! I pulled everything out for her yesterday.