Not tons of progress, but some. It's been hard staying up very late now that I'm back on the school schedule of getting up at 5:30. These sections are really large! At least the last of those cursed dogs are finished. This time around they were easy. It makes me mad that I let them upset the apple cart, so to speak, and got me so frustrated that I ranted and raved and threw it into the spare bedroom where I didn't have to look at it (but then again, it wasn't all them - I have the attention span of a gnat sometimes). I'm being really optimistic and thinking that I can finish her up by the end of the year (okay, maybe not - I'm sure my attention will wander - but it's a good thought).
I have to thank everyone again who entered my giveway! And a huge congratulations to Ranae again (it's going out tomorrow, Ranae). I was surprised at the number of people who posted, but it's made a huge amount of fun for me to discover some new blogs! Thanks everyone!
This weekend we went to a couple of Festivals that take place in the area. One of them was the Peach Festival in Romeo, Michigan. They always have a parade with the marching band, each branch of the Armed Services represented, craft booths, carnival rides, etc.

Don't you just love that house in the background? It's a bed and breakfast. I took a lot of pictures, but decided not to bore you with all of them except for the Peach Queen herself:
Not the greatest picture, but what can you do with a cell phone? I had a reason for making sure that I took a picture of her. My mother grew up in the area (actually North Branch) and actually ran for Peach Queen a long time ago:
My mom didn't win the title of Queen - she's the one on the far right - but was in the Queen's Court. This photo is from a book called Images of America - The Romeo Peach Festival highlighting every year that the festival has been held from 1931 to 2005. I found it in the bookstore a year or so ago and just thumbed through it and was surprised to see my mom in it.
The kids and I, before the start of the school season, stopped at a couple garage and estate sales that were in the area. My kids really scarfed up on the goods! They love going to those things. I didn't find anything of interest except for this book:
Don't you just love this title! I just had to get it! I would like to think of myself as an Uppity Woman! LOL This should really make for some entertaining reading, don't you think?
Work on the craft room still continues. The table still hasn't been delivered because my FIL is a real perfectionist and didn't want to bring it last week in case the finish wasn't dry. You just have to love him for that. But it was a good thing - heavy rains caused a leak in the basement and my craft room ended up being the dumping grounds for everything that was near the leak! AUGHHHHH. But it was just a glitch because of the way the rain hit the house (we think DS opened the window in the basement and wouldn't admit it - you know how those kids are). So no real organizing went on this week because I could barely move in there. But I had the urge to sew and went down there one day, moved some things back out into the room, and was ready to put some quality sewing time in on a project I need to finish up, DD's pointe shoes that needed the ribbons sewn on and my current quilt WIP thinking I would have a productive day. But, as always happens, something is wrong with the sewing machine! Why does this happen??? It worked fine the last time I used it! UGH! After an hour of fiddling with it, I gave up the ghost and off to sewing repair it goes. So we had to go to Plan B.
Plan B involved sorting out more floss. Yes, I'm still doing some arranging of floss, etc. I happened upon this great filing system for my overdyed threads:
I love this set up! I saw this on another blog, One Stitch at a Time, and decided to try it out. I really love it. A shop that carries this system is called Acorns & Threads. The tabs just twist out of the upper brackets, you put them on a floss ring and stitch your project. When done, just snap them back on! I had them in floss bags and thought that they were losing some of their varigation from the bags so wanted to try something different. I toyed with some different ideas like buying another couple of those hardware drawer sets that I used for my DMC threads, but then I saw this on One Stitch at a Time's blog and knew it would be perfect. I've got a long way to go though - that's just a mere dent in the overdyed collection!!!
Well, that's it for now. Haven't had much time for anything with trying to recuperate from summer and the kids being home. Now that they're back in school there are way too many things to catch up on! Hope everyone gets a lot of time to make some X's.
I think we're living parallel lives with this whole "let's get WIP's finished". Can you hear me chanting "Go, go, go, go, go"?
Please consider me your very own personal cheering section.
Super progress on Ann! You will be happy when she is completed. I used to stick to one project but now I am working on three. Actually, I enjoy the hopping around part. I certainly don't get bored. Nice photos of the festival...just too few. Great fileing system you have there. I will keep that in mind if I ever use overdye's. Sorry to hear about the leak, but soon, very soon, you will be working away in your craft room again. I know all about sewing machines playing up when you don't need it lol. Murphy's law.
Great post Deb - Did I tell you before that I have a good friend who is from Romeo Mich? She actually had a cross stitch shop there in the 80's and now has her wonderful shop here in Fl about 50 miles from me. Odd that your mom is from near there. Lovely Ann - she is so pretty - great progress - I'm proud of you for resisting temptation and not starting anything new - I am having startitis issues big time right now - always have this relapse when fall hits and my knitting bug bites feriously. Was interested in that floss system you showed - very cool - if I ever get to organizing my stash I need to consider something like that too.
YGG Deb!!! Ann looks fabulous. I'm psyched for you! You've made great progress. Good for you for sticking with it! Love the other pics, too--the festivals sound like fun!
Wonderful progress!
Your Ann looks wonderful. Good for you for sticking to your WIP plan. I had a "stitch my stash" plan that lasted only a very short time. No will power here.
Good for you, sticking with your WIPs! Usually once I say something like that, I go off and do the complete opposite. LOL.
LOVE the title of your new book. Uppity women, indeed!
I love that Uppity Women book! I'll be checking my local libraries for it; did you know it's part of a series?
What a neat idea for organizing floss. Way too ambitious for me, but yours is beautiful already.
Oh my goodness...so sorry about your craft room springing a leak! I'm glad your table wasn't in there. Hopefully the new carpet was good too.
Love your progress on Ann. That is an amazing sampler! I also love that filing system. Thanks for sharing.
Funny about your "peach Queen". We have "Peach days" here tomorrow and Saturday. It's a big deal. (Not really to me, but the town.) I guess there are "peach" celebrations in a lot of places. Cute picture of your Mom!
As always your fun whit and style makes me so happy. Talk to you soon.
Great post---how awesome to find your mom in that book! Fabulous pics of the festival btw. And your Ann is lovely!!
The sampler you are working on here is really lovely, I love all of the works you do!
You are making awesome progress on Ann, Deb! I know it will be such a thrill when you finally get it framed and we can all dance around a fire (I'll have to be really drunk to be naked!) chanting "We love Ann! We love Ann!"
I love the picture of your mom and I think darling C looks a lot like her.
Sounds like you had a great weekend. We HAVE to get together soon, I miss you!
Fantastic! I love how Ann Medd is looking! I need to try a new fiber filing system too. Sorry about your stitching room. We had our first flood last year in the basement due to some contrariness that had never happened before. Hopefully it will never happen to either you or us again! :D
Love your WIP, it's so beautiful! The house in the background caught my eye straight away, I love those types of houses :) I like the way you are sorting your overdyed floss another good way to do it!
The stitching is looking good and I want want WANT one of those filing systems. Congrats to Ranae, winner of the flower/ scissors frog. It's a good thing I stumbled across your blog because whenever I would see those things in antique shops I had not a clue as to what they were for!
Oooh, the Peach Festival! So much fun. I didn't make it this year, I had to work. Why can't I be rich so I can just stay at home and tat, crochet or stitch? The Brabb House is so beautiful. A coworker's daughter married in the chapel a couple years ago. My favorite place to go in Romeo is Kane's Antiques and the village wide yard sale in June is like a bit o' heaven on earth!
So much good stuff here Deb!!!
Your wip is amazing!! I work a rotation, but work on one til I'm bored, then moved to the next. I may spend 1 day on one or 5 days on the next. But, you're right...it takes longer to finish one..lol!
(I also have the attention span of a gnat sometimes;)
Can't wait to see your craftroom pics..but hate to hear about the water problem.
Great festival pics and especially the one with your mother! How fun you found it in a book!!
Love your new floss organization!
Your Ann piece is looking absolutely beautiful! I had to laugh at your posting about the dogs in it. LOL
Dang it! I tried to enable you to start some Sampler Girl ones! LOL
just joking.....
I love that filing system, girl!
Oh, you are so organized. I wish I could be that way.
Your craft room is going to be so nice, I'm sure!!
but so sorry to hear about that leak.
I looked at some scroll rods today at my LNS. I see yours is so neat and it makes the tension so much better. I think I"m going to have to get one for sure for my Scarlett.
Fiddle-De Dee
Woman! Have you been busy or what? I'm dancing big time with the progress you've made on Ann. She's beautiful. What a great filing system for your overdyeds. Love. Ohhhhh, *peaches*!!! Your Mom is one gorgeous lady and (yay) for sticking with the rotation. I think that should be celebrated. After all, it's happy hour somewhere! ;)
Great progress, that little oak tree is a darling!
that sampler is huge!!!, beautiful stitching.
hum,sea machines...few week ago my sewing machine began to produce a ssuspect white smoke, so I thought I was burned, but the next day I used it again, and no smoke, what happened? no idea ...they are suspicious machines...
Debbie, wow on Ann Medd!! She is glorious looking and so proud of you, for staying with her! Won't she be magnificent when complete? YGG!!
Sorry about the flooding, just glad nothing was damaged. And also that dratted sewing machine, bummer! Hope it is something minor that can be fixed for the next time you want to sew!
Lovely house and other photos of the festival, how fun!!
So awesome that you have stuck to your guns on working on WIP.
I love parades. :) Great photos.
You'll have to let us know how you like the thread system. I was curious about it when I saw it on her blog. Love what you've gotten done on Anne too - she is gorgeous!
Great work! I've just been in the mood to stitch on every single project that I have and start little ones at the same time. I love your new thread system! I have a tote that size but it's called the bucket-o-floss and has tons of extra DMC skeins that I happen to be at the store on a day where they are on sale.
Well done on sticking to your guns. I love that Ann sampler. Yoiu are doing incredibly well on her. It's inspired me to get finishing some of my wips. x
It seems like so many stitchers I know (including myself) are working on finishing projects! I love your Ann - it is beautiful!
I have Uppity Women, too!
Great work on Ann, I might have to get this one. I love how different it is!!! Proud of you for sticking with her! She will be a wonderful addition to your walls. Thrilled you posted a pic of the floss system. You are going to love it! I just got more for my silks, and dont know when I will get to it, but I am ready! Cant wait to see your craft room :)
Ann is looking lovely, Deb. I may have to add this to my list. Why do I always like the long, complicated, take forever sampers?
Miss Ann is looking fabulous Deb!!!! Keep going and she'll be done before you know it!!! :o)
Your finished Ann is going to be THE accomplishment of the year. That one amazes me. Can't wait to see your new craft room.
I am so loving Ann!!! She is beautiful!!!
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Digging for a solution brings certain results. To [url=http://drm-removal.com/features/iTunestoMP3/convert_iTunes_to_MP3.htm]convert iTunes to MP3[/url] I used this tool drm removal (drm-removal.com or something like this, please ask me - will find that web again). I don't care what is drm - what I read, its something dealing with protection and nothing about iTunes.
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thanks in advance!
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