First off, if you haven't entered the giveaway for the flower flog (see previous post), sign up now! The drawing will be next Tuesday, September 8th! If you want to enter the drawing, please leave a comment under that post ONLY!!
On the stitching front: shock of shocks, I've stuck to my rotation!!! It's been hard - very hard!!! I can't tell you how many times this week I wanted to pull out something else, but I stuck to it. I put in a week on Marquoir de Justine:

This is really a difficult one to photograph because of the colors used and the fabric (Vintage Nutmeg). I toyed with changing out the brown that the church is stitched with and some of the lettering, but in real life, you can see it and between the mottled fabric and how the brown looks on it, it does give it an old feeling so I'm going to stick with it.
Last Tuesday, I switched out projects and started back on Ann Medd - if you're not familiar with her, here's her pic:

Described as the "Mother of all Samplers"! Well, I think I have to go along with that. It's not a bad stitch at all - straightforward, very few specialty stitches - but it's just so big and those verses on the side can get you.

This is the progress I've made in a week - the C and D verses (or what's done of them), the flowers and leaves where my thread is and those two dogs facing each other (which were causing me all the headaches because the pattern only had them facing one way - oh and ignore that fifth leg on the dog on the left - I have to frog that out.) Not a lot of progress, but some.
This is what I've accomplished so far on the whole sampler - if I get through this section, I'll be almost half way:

And my favorite part - Adam and Eve, of course:

A couple exciting things happened this week. I won Jan's giveaway of the premier chart for her new design endeavor!! I'm so excited to win and I'm also so excited for her. I know that we're all going to love her designs! I also know that I'm going to have to work this into the rotation. Yes, I know, I know - it's not in stash!! Well, some rules are meant to be bent, right?
The second exciting thing is that my room finally is finished - well, the painting part is. I have moved a loveseat and my sewing table into the room, but have to wait for the table from my father-in-law for the final arrangement and hanging of pictures, etc.

DS is in the closet learning how to install shelves and putting the vent covers back on. The color is Scottish Road by Behr and I love how it came out. I always have a hard time picking out colors because even when you bring the swatches home to look at them in your own light, it still comes out different. But I'm a happy camper. The white box on the wall, unfortunately, has to stay. It houses our power box and I guess we can't do without that! Estimated time of arrival for the table is this weekend so I can finally arrange the furniture in the room. I can't wait - and just in time for the kids to go back to school. Yahoo!!! Although, I think I have a good week of scrubbing down this house before I can play in the room. DRAT!!!
I'm bruised from head to toe from moving around two rooms of furniture! And all the unpacking of things afterwards. UGH! But I really had a chance to go through all my charts, quilt books, etc., and found that there are a lot of things that I no longer need or want, so I may set up a separate Sale/Trade blog to get rid of some of this stuff!! Stay tuned!
Well, I'm off to look through blogs. I haven't been able do to that for three days or so and I know there is a of catching up to do (and probably some enabling).Thanks for all your comments, especially for the Giveway, that have come in so far. I was glad to see that there were many from blogs that I've never seen before and I know that I'm going to have a lot of fun looking at all of them.
Have a great week and holiday and make a lot of X's.
I saw you won Jan's pattern WHOO HOO! I just bought mine, cause I knew I'd never win :)
I love your WIPS... a LOT! And your painted room looks LOVELY :)
Congrats on the win. Lucky you. :) It is a lovely pattern.
And those pieces you are working on... Beautiful. I love the colors in them.
Love the color in your refinished room and can't wait ot see what it looks like when it is all set up.
Enjoy your little bit of relaxing. Sounds like you deserve it.
Oh Deb! You have so much of Ann Medd done! All this time I've been sure I wasn't interested in Ann Medd. And now I've seen your progress and I'm starting to get interested! lol! Not good! I love Justine too -- it's also on my todo list. I bet the colors look great in person. It's always hard to photograph some pieces and that's one of them from what I gather. Congrats on your stitching room! Can't wait to see it all put together! So when does school start for you all? Ours started today. Of course the college daughter doesn't go back till the 12th.
Congratulations on winning Jan's giveaway!
How impressive that you were able to stay on your rotation - I know hard it can be to stick with it! And you have made so much progress!
Marquoir de Justine is just amazing and Ann Medd - WOW! I stand in awe of your work and the size of your current projects.
How fun to have a room for all your stitching stuff - the color is wonderful. It is very similar to the color in our master bedroom, ours may be a shade darker. Nothing is more fun to me then arranging and organizing a room - can't wait to see what you do with it. Oh, and I definitely can't wait to see all your goodies on your upcoming sale blog!
Have fun school supply shopping :-)
Congrats on winning that beautiful chart! And congrats on sticking to your rotation (I've never been able to do that!) All of your progress is lovely!!!
Big, HUGE congratulations Deb!. Love that you are sticking to your rotation; love that Justine got some love; you KNOW I love that Ann Medd got some stitchy time; love the color paint chosen for your craft room (and yay you're getting your table this week-end); and finally, hot dang, you won Jan's giveaway.
I think a celebration is definitely in order (make mine Grande please). ;)
Wow, have alot going on there!! So hard to tell, but that color on your sewing room wall, looks like my bedroom color, or very close! It is most lovely!! Congrats on getting the painting out of the way!
Justine is looking so amazing and and Ann Medd??? Goodness, progress, progress!
Rare Treasures is on it's way to you as we 'speak' so it will be just a day or two and it will be in your stash! Sounds good to me, and I can't wait to see you stitch it! Perfect size, while working on those large pieces!!
Hope that CC isn't on fire too much with the start of school and clothes purchases and supplies! I do remember those days!!
Anyway, proud of you, you are doing awesome, even with time traveling at such a speed, you are making good of your time and being productive! Kudos!!!
Ann Medd is such a wow piece. Great A&E on it too.
Love the paint job!
Congrats on winning the giveaway!!
Ann Medd... omg. I am so amazed and impressed at the progress you've made on her! Really, it's incredible. Justine is gorgeous, too. I also used Vintage Nutmeg; it was fun to use a different color but a bit of a pita, too! LOL
Love the room--that color is perfect! I can't wait to see pics as it comes together.
WoW! I just LOVE Ann! She is so beautiful and I'm going to be so jealous when you get her done. The room looks great - the color is fantastic and I can't wait to see the table.
Justine is beautiful and I know what you mean about some fabrics being hard to photograph. No matter, it's lovely and boy, I really love the fabric!
Yeah for you for winning Jan's pattern - it's a pretty one, isn't it?
Have fun, talk to you soon, I hope!!!
Wonderful progress with your rotation pieces. I've not been successful rotating. I has worked for you
stitch well
Congrats on winning Jan's pattern. I love it!
Hey, by the way, I see you must have a rollerframe or something of that nature with your big pieces. I am trying to find the best roller type frame for extra large pieces, any suggestions?
Adam and Eve is looking great! And Ann looks like it's huge! Beautiful! How do you stitch so fast???
Hey, while you're stimulating that economy for Obama, girl, stop over to Tanya's blog and webshop and check out her new designs! Oh, come on now........I'm trying to enable you a bit, just a teensy weensy bit.....LOL
My you've been busy. Just reading your blog makes "me" feel accomplished somehow. ? (smiles)
Now if I could just get that much done of my own matters.
Love the fresh looking room. It has a relaxing and calm appeal from my view.
Oh, my goodness! All of your stitching is just gorgeous. Jan's pattern is darling, too. So glad you were the winner because you'll do her justice in the stitching of it.
I have Ann Medd, Deb, but I haven't put a stitch in, yet. It's truly daunting. And Justine is so beautiful...don't have a copy of that chart. I'm going to be following you as you work on it.
Love and hugs,
Oh, my goodness! All of your stitching is just gorgeous. Jan's pattern is darling, too. So glad you were the winner because you'll do her justice in the stitching of it.
I have Ann Medd, Deb, but I haven't put a stitch in, yet. It's truly daunting. And Justine is so beautiful...don't have a copy of that chart. I'm going to be following you as you work on it.
Love and hugs,
Congrats! on wining Jan's pattern, it's awesome and so is that Ann Medd.
Kudo's to you for sticking with the rotation, something I have never been able to do.
The paint job looks fantastic.
Deb you always have the best posts! I was so happy when I saw you had won Jan's drawing - I figured I'd better just buy my copy b/c I never win anything however I am holding out hope that I might win that lovely froggie in your drawing. Ann dear Ann - WHAT an awesome design and I had no idea that you had so much completed on that BAP. It is just stunning and Justine is too - I have always loved Justine since I saw Siobhans on that same fabric but I have not added her to stash. YGG - you rock - Mel
I enjoyed your post, Debbie! It looks like you have been busy. Your samplers are looking so pretty. And that sewing room of yours is to die for!
I also enjoyed your comment on my dishaholic post -- it's always fun to meet a fellow dishaholic who uses any excuses to find "friends" for her dishes! :)
Debbie, Your needle has been smoking! I love the pieces that you are working on. They look fabulous. I also like your paint color. I bet you will be so excited to have your room all set up.
Have a great rest of the week. :)
Hi Smoking Needle Deb,
Your stitching is absolutely wonderful. Good for you to stitching to your rotation. Congrats on your win - I shall order mine from Jan now - I should have known I wouldn't win! Anyway enough griping from me for now just want to say how much I love your stitching and your new room and can't wait to see your stuff in it. Lots of Love Patti xxx
Deb - WOW, DOUBLE WOW on the Ann Medd piece. Beautiful and huge. Your work is something else. And I am lovin' your new room. The paint color is yummy!! You have a great weekend too!
All your WIP's are wonderful! Congrats on the win, and I love the color you painted your room :)
Love your Justine, Incredible A & E!! You are so far on that piece. Love the color you painted the room-- so soothing, so relaxing. Cant wait to see more!!!!
My dear, what a busy life - it makes me tired simply reading about it ! Although it wears me down much more pleasantly than work !
Enjoy your new room - lucky you to have one !
Your WIPs are awesome! Well done on sticking to the rotation.
Congratulations on the new room! The paint color is lovely! And congratulations on winning that wonderful pattern by Jan! Your WIPs are just beautiful!
Your craft room is going to be wonderful. I love the colours you chose. I bet you cannot wait to move in. : )Your mother of all samplers is just gorgeous. It will need an honourable place to hang in your home. Great progress on Justine too. Don't know how you do it getting stitching done and running the kids around, getting your craft room painted and all the rest. You are full of energy. Care to send me some lol.
Great job on everything.
Ann Medd?? OMG, you are my new hero. That one is a MAJOR accomplishment. Love the wall color in the new craft room. I can't wait to see it in all it's finished glory.
Good for you in winning Jan's new design!
Congratulations on winning that gorgeous new design! Love all your stitching. The AM sampler is stunning!!
That Ann Mead is awesome but don't think I will rise to the challenge of all those verses.
The dog with the fifth! I loved that. Sounds just like something I would do!
Deb, all your stitching it simply gorgeous!! WOW!! \Enjoy the gorgeous chart that Miss Jan designed!!
Wonderful WIPs.
I love the colour of your stitching room!
Deb, congrats on the win! I'm so proud to "know" someone that has stuck to their rotation! I can't seem to even set on up. You stitching is stunning! Have never seen the Ann Medd before and I'm in love! What a gorgeous room color! I want your room! Mine looks pale now.
Hugs, Barb
Wowee! So excited for you. I love the color of the sewing room. It will relax you, and keep you sane through all of your projects! Wonderful.
I love that incredible sampler!!!! I'm so impressed you are stitching it. Seeing yours makes me want to attempt it, but I don't know if I could ever finish one that large. I'm still struggling with shores. Will I ever finish that ship?
So excited about Jan's pattern too. It's darling. I have several "house" patterns, but I think I need that one too.
Have a great week. Hope you get your kiddo's in school and you can have a break soon. After that dreaded housework.
your rotation pieces look great! And I love the color you picked for your new room, so pretty!
Beautiful samplers you are working on. Love them. xx
Ooh, way to go on your win. That Miss Ann is really making my wishbone itch, but when in the world would I get that done? I'm trying not to think about it.
Your room looks wonderful, and I know you can't wait until you have time to use it. Hope that time goes quickly for you.
Today is D Day : Happy Blog Anniversary !!! Enjoy today - Val
I just love your stitching!!! Fabulous!
Off to see what it is that you won, I may need to add it to my stash! LOL
Take care
Very nice!
Happy blogoversary!
Congrats on winning the pattern! Love, love your samplers. And you're right the colors in your room are beautiful!
Congratulations on your win!
Your progress is lovely on MdJ is great! Ann Medd - Wow!
You did a lovely job with paint. We went and bought some last weekend too. We haven't been able to paint though, yet.
What beautiful pieces! I had to google both Ann Medd and Marquoir de Justine and just have to say WOW, WOW, WOW! Can't wait to see them both completed, especially Justine.
The new room looks great, too. Love that color on the walls. It looks to be a room I would never want to leave.
Your stitching is amazing!!! I can't believe how much work in the Ann Medd!!! I wrote a poem about needle women and someone suggested stitching it, I thought there was too many words, but then I see this one!!!!
Your work is so beautiful, inspiring to a beginner like myself!!!!
Margaret B
that is a big big sampler!!and beautfil stitching.
I would love to be your Stitching buddy for American Sampler! :) Now, I am more motivated than ever to finish my Sampler Gameboard!
Your Ann Medd is absolutely lovely. Where would one get the chart/kit?
Congrats on the win and wow, your wip's are amazing! I absolutely love your Justine and Ann Mead so far.
Congrats on your rotation sticktoitiveness! I love love love Justine on that vintage nutmeg - that's definitely what I'll be stitching her on. And Ann Medd!!!!! Woooooo!!!! gorgeous. So glad you got those dogs figured out - minus the extra leg. I'm gonna have to stitch this one, Adam and Eve are too good to pass up in this sampler.
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