I've been crazy, crazy here lately and haven't had much time to be on the computer, but since I'm waiting for my kids to get home, I thought I'd try to catch up on my blog reading. I saw that Vickie is having a 10 Book Challenge (thanks Anna for posting this). So since I love to read, I joined the challenge. I'm hoping I can live up to it. Here's my list:
Finger Lickin' Fifteen - Janet Evanovich (not in the picture because I was too lazy to go upstairs and get it, but waving at Di for loaning it to me)
In The Woods - Tana French
Mental - Eddie Sarfaty (it looks quirky and funny and the title reminds me of myself at times - LOL - especially the way the past few weeks have been going)
The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Home - Marilynne Robinson
The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo - Stieg Larsson
The Guersney Literary & Potatoe Peel Society - Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows
That Old Cape Cod Magic - Richard Russo
The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown (yeah, I had to run out and buy it this am - thank goodness for the prices at Costco)
South of Broad - Pat Conroy
I don't know if I'm going to stick with this list because there are about five others that I really want to read too, but I guess the whole goal is to read 10 books and Vickie says that you can switch out because others may pop up before the end of the year. So my other contenders are:
Gilead - Marilynne Robinson
Time of My Life - Allison Winn Scotch
Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austin (read this years ago, but decided to read it again)
The Lace Reader - Brunonia Barry
Olive Kitteridge - Elizabeth Strout
Now, like finding stitching time, I need to find reading time. I should do okay - I average about 50 books a year, so I may just make it. I don't do audio books which I guess I should try again. First time I tried it, I kept getting up and missed half of the book. I do love holding a book and turning the pages and just getting immersed in them. But I probably should give it another try. Would get more read that way I think.

Well, I've got a few short minutes before the p.m. activities start up, but I had to post a somewhat stitchy little something. No, those above are not new finishes. You probably thought I'd abandoned Ann for a minute, didn't you? - No way Jose'!!!!!). These are projects that need to be put together AND they're sitting on the top of my new table that my FIL made for me!!!!! Am I happy dancing or what???? I'll post more pictures later. It was delivered on Sunday and I haven't had one minute to get down there to arrange the room or anything! DRAT!!!
Till later......a big hi to everyone if I've missed your blogs over the past week.....I'm trying to catch up. Hope that you get time to make a lot of X's, and thanks for all your comments too. I really enjoy them!
I know what you mean- I have never "done" audio books for that very reason. There is something about actually reading a book. Plus I think it would drive me crazy to have someone reading to me. Or if I was listening while stitching or something I would get into my work and not really pay attention to listening. lol Can't wait to see your new table!
Debbie~ Cool reading list! I just never seem to find that much time to read, although I love it. Most time I have is maybe a half hour before I go to sleep. Hopefully with the winter coming up, I will get more reading time, or TIME for most everything! LOL
Those are all three adorable SB finishes, can't wait to see what you do with them, and most importantly I can't wait to see that new sewing table of yours! WooHoo!!!
Great SB pieces! I so want to stitch Baby Bug Ball sometime! Good luck with the reading challenge. I never thought I'd like audiobooks, but I started using them and now I depend on them. I do like to do some actual reading too though. :D There are a few books on your list that I want to read too. And some I've read. Hooray for books!
Oops! Forgot to say congrats on getting your work table! I hope you find some time to set things up down there and have some fun stitching and creating!
i JUST love tables!! (no, really.)
Go, you!
Hi Deb,
Thanks for visiting me! Good luck on your book challenge ~ there is no way I could do that..
I love reading...for sure, and I love a the ritual of cracking a new book, smelling the paper...yes...love it!
But last year I embraced audiobooks - on CD and on MP3 - I LOVE IT! Now I can stitch to my heart is content while being entertained! I've recently "read" two books just by sitting and stitching!
P.s. Today....I got a little mail in my box...THANK YOU DEB SO MUCH!!!
Great reading list! Your finishes look great, regardless of whether they are new or not!
I love your Halloween cross stitch by SB! Your reading list includes a lot that are on my list too. Looking forward to seeing your new table!
Deb, I hope you have fun with your reading list. I have read some of them - some I absolutely love, some not so much! I know what you mean re audio books - it took me awhile to get into them but now I really enjoy listening to them while stitching. But, like a real book, the audio version has to be good or else out it goes!
Those SB pieces are so cute!
I do audiobooks and regular books too. I used to like audio books more than I do now I must admit - I listen to them only before I go to sleep at night and leave my iPod to turn itself off after 20 minutes but I do enjoy actually reading more. Now I want an eReader so it never stops with my wanting. It will one day. I don't watch tv anymore either - I listen to it and occasionally look up. I loved your reading list The Shadow of the Wind is one of my favorite books. Have fun with this. Patti xxx
Oh my word Debbie, what a wonderful reading list!! Today I went to find the public library in Autun. I found it alright but only about 20 english paperbacks in the entire library. I am dying to read the Twilight series but no such luck. Its all in French. Hope you get round to reading all those good books. ; )
I wish I had more time for actually reading. I love to listen to audio books because it makes good use of my commute time. I love Guernsey on audio - the accents were wonderful.
Love your SB finishes - can't wait to see what you do with them.
PLEASE post a pic of your table soon! We are waiting very impatiently!!!
Hi Deb,
Great selection there. I have a few of those books in my "to read" pile. Funny though I never seem to get to them. Stitching takes up to much of my time. I am definiately not a audio book person. I seem to switch off when people start talking lol. - Sandra.
Ahhh, is there anything as great as turning the pages of a good book? I read pretty much every single night of my life. I am dabbling in an audio book here and there but never to take the place of a hard copy. That Baby Bug Ball is adorable!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment.
I think you should add Pride and Prejudice to your reading list:) Have fun!! Amazed you can finish reading about 50 books a year!!
Is Marylinne Robinson your favourite author?
I love that you have my book, Mental on your reading list! I hope you enjoy it. Best, Eddie Sarfaty
I just love audio books! I keep one going all day - cooking, cleaning, driving, stitching. And, I can listen a whole lot faster then I can read :-)
You will love Finger Licken' Fifteen, it was so funny! Another favorite of mine is Mary Kay Andrews she has only written 6-7 books but she is a great storyteller and funny!
Can't wait to see pictures of Ann.
Enjoy your day!
A big "Hi" to you! Can't wait to see your sewing table. I bet it's gorgeous!
Great job making a book list. I wish I felt like I had more time to read. I do too much reading with the kids schoolwork to want to read again later in the evening! LOL! Of course 3rd grade reading can't really compare to a good novel.
Love the finished little projects. Hope to see them framed soon.
Take care! Nice little post, and fun to read.
I prefer reading a book to rather than listening to one. I love the Stephanie Plum series by Evonavich too and havent' read # 14 or #15 so I might have to sneak those into my list too :)
I LOVE audiobooks. I download them to my ipod and listen while I stitch. I feel like I am accomplishing a lot at once. I love to actually read books too. I think I will finally break down and invest in a Kindle. Love your stitched smalls and looking forward to seeing your room and table when you get it all put together. I added some books on your list to my ongoing list. I am not participating in the challenge, but I keep a list of books when I find titles that interest me.
Have a great rest of the week!
Hello Debbie,
Your Ann is looking so good! I think reading your progress has CONVINCED me to put Ann on my list of things to stitch! :)
I am reading Pride & Prejudice too!! I am also reading some wonderful sequels. Let me know if you are interested in some of those titles. P&P is my all time favorite!!!!
Have a great day!
Oh, you have some nice ones on that list. Loved the Guernsey society and the Stieg Larsson book especially.
Cute SB finishes! Congrats on the new table.
I love your book list-some I've read and some are on my to read list. I've not tried audio books, but am afraid they would put me to sleep.
I'm looking forward to seeing your new table.
Hey gf! I love your book lists! You really should try audiobooks. I never thought I'd like them either, but I'm telling you, the needle flies when you're listening to a book. I try to keep one book to read (as in turn the pages read) and then one to listen to while I'm stitching. There are so many good books out there--it's nice to be spoiled for choice!
Love your SBs, and I can't WAIT to see your new table!
Good luck with your book list. I once participated in a reading challenge of my online reading group and made up a list of ten book to read within a year. Sounds easy, but - after four books off my list other books were calling louder than the ones still remaining on my list. So I abandonned the list, lol.
I hope you will show a picture of the new sewing table your FIL made for you.
i already read The Shadow of the Wind , from Carlos Ruiz Zafon, is a perfect book to read in autumn or winter, is a beautiful book.
I loved the Tana French book and have her newer one on my TBR pile. I also just received the Richard Russo book in the mail. I also read a lot and for the last couple of years my reading has overtaken my stitching--which is why I've not made much progress on my stitching this year. Oh to have more hours in the day! :_
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