I had another finish this week which totally amazes me given my lack of attention span to any one project (although as usual, I didn't do this all in one sweep):

The Primitive Needle
36 Ct. Highland fabric
Weeks Dye Works threads
I didn't have the recommended 40 ct. fabric, and was a little worried about the coverage, but it came out pretty good. Because I also have an attention problem with following a chart, I did the entire top band in basil instead of how it should have been with the Basil and Cinnabar, but I kept forging ahead and I think that it's fine. I like following the Amish philosophy that nothing is perfect except for God (works for me - LOL).
As I mentioned in my last post, I've been really having a hard time with the amount of WIPs that are languishing around the house. So I've some up with kind of a half-assed plan. Probably because I know that I'll break every rule that I set down for myself if I make this too difficult. So my process of WIP elimination is going to be pretty loose. I think that I'll work on a WIP for one week, if I still love it I can keep going for another week or until I scream "Uncle" and go to something else.
The something else can be either another WIP or something that is already in stash and preferably a small project. It can be a small project that I have not started yet. If I need a thread or two, I can buy them, but the pattern and fabric and most of the threads have to be in stash. I'm stressing the smaller type of project because most of the WIPs I have going are pretty big:
1. Marquoir de Justine
2. Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
3. Village of Hawk Run Hollow
4. Shores of Hawk Run Hollow
5. Frances Eden
6. Ann Medd
7. Convent's Herbal Garden
8. Provence
9. Altegamme
10. Sarah Pope
11. The Ideal Landscape Sampler
12. Crystal Christmas (this really isn't on the radar screen right now, but it's a biggie)
(there are about another 20 projects laying around, plus three needlepoint projects and about 15 quilts in various stages of work, but I decided to spare everyone the agony of reading about all the WIPs laying around - just wanted to list the ones that I'm pretty sure that I will work on now).
As far as buying any new stash - well, after that junket last week, I think I can resist for a while. Market is coming, but I'm really going to try to hold off and only reward myself when I get something finished (Cape Cod Girls doesn't count as a rewarded finish, darned it.) I was going to come up with all kinds of rules and regulations for myself - like I can't buy anything even a few threads or can't buy anything until I've finished two projects -not going to happen. I think that I'm a rebel at heart and I knew that it just wasn't going to work. So to begin the attack of the WIPs, this week I picked up Marquoir de Justine:

This week I found another flower frog at a garage sale that I passed by. I wasn't going to stop, but, well, you know how that is. I see the sign Garage Sale or Estate Sale, and I almost always have to stop. Of course, my kids love going to them as much as I do, so it's fun for all of us:

And the most exciting news of all - my FIL is almost done with my table for my craft room. YAHOO! We were over at his house yesterday and he had some finishing questions for me. Even my DH was impressed by the way it looked. It may be another couple of weeks before it's delivered here, but I'm so excited. In anticipation of the big event, I ended up finishing up the packing (that I've only been working on, for what now, three months?), and moving everything out so that DH can paint the room (he took this week off) and this is what I'm facing now:

If I have to find something, I think I'm going to be up a creek without a paddle. I should have taken a birds-eye picture for the true impact to be seen. It's just total mayhem in the center of the main room in the basement. And my back is aching. My DH thought that he could move my two cabinets with all my patterns, books, etc., on some dollys, but not the case, so I had to empty them. Back breaking work! My DH also was amazed at the amount of stuff I had crammed in that room. Quite frankly, it was perfectly organized, but I was a little shocked myself. I must have arranged things pretty well, but I was amazed. Definitely time to start sending some of this stuff to a good home. Actually, I had to clean out both the basement bedrooms - the one I'm vacating and the one I'm moving into - so this was kind of a double whammy.
Well, that's about it for me. I'm going to take a Motrin for my aching back and sit and put some stitches into Justine. Thanks for all the wonderful comments last week. I can't believe all the excitement that stash purchases have on everyone. Of course, I think that I get just as giddy seeing everyone elses purchases (and it's gotten me into a lot of trouble)! LOL Have a wonderful week and get some stitching done.
Nice finish! I agree with you about the Quaker philosophy! I follow it too. :D I like your WIP list -- great pieces in it! I'll be interested to see how your stitching goes with your new plan in mind. Sorry about your back -- hope the painting goes well and all! And that you have your room back to normal soon!
Whoa....LOVE that WIP list!~ You are my kinda girl!~lol...mine is big too and I'm too chicken to post it...maybe I will now that you have. This new desk will force to go thru all that you have (from the looks of the basement you have a "store" down there..)Now, go get in the hot tub or bath..thanks for your suggestion to me about Shores..I will definitely be doing that especially since I am 40 ct with it...Did a brick pop me upside the head?? Faye
Hey you!
I'm so excited to see your sewing room. I'm sure that it will be worth the aching back, and the mess! Isn't it crazy how much we can shove into our closets?
Love the work in progress. That will be a gorgeous sampler when you are finished!
I also love your finished piece. That is one of my favorites.
I hope all is well. I'm thinking of you!
Hope you back feels better soon. A tired back just drags me down.
Hmmm something profound to say about WIP rotations & stash diets...
Ah yes! Rules are made to be broken. lol Good luck making a dent in the pile, I know the feeling.
Oh man what a list girl!!! LOL
but you can do it, I know you can.....
Funny that last pic because I was thinking about posting a pic of my basement mess and I promise you if I took the whole basement area that is a work in progress right now, you would be in shock. Because my dearest husband can't part with his 40 year old police academy books/manuals and guidelines for who knows what. He even has books on how to do the original like computers.
I put my fabrics in my old worn out thrift /auction china cabinet and may try to get a pick.
Oh well,
Hope your back is better. Just drink a glass of wine and you'll be fine! LOL
Quite an attractive plan!! What is nice about these plans is, not meeting the plan also brings a kick, LOL. Have fun!
Am all excited to see your sewing room in a week's time
First off I have to say Cape Cod Girls turned out awesome!! I love the fabric you chose also. You made me chuckle to myself when I heard you talk of your WIP's. I bet I can out do you, believe it or not! LOL Can't wait to see your new table....what a great FIL you must have. Hope your back feels better real soon...if not...treat yourself to a massage, you deserve it!!! Take Care.
Congratulations on finishing CCG. Mine is only a third done and is now languishing in the WIP pile.
What a great list of WIP´s you have too :)
Woo hoo you finished CCG and I love that fabric. Just gorgeous and I can't wait to see it framed. The WIP plan sounds great and you know I love that Ann Medd may be getting some love soon. You must be so happy your craft table is almost finished (yay) and you'll be stitching/quilting in there in no time. Hope your back feels better today Deb!
Lovely finish Debbie. I love your WIP list!!! A real inspiration for me to enlarge mine lol. Your craft room is going to be super once finished but I don't doubt it was a huge job considering what you had to empty out of the room. I think you are more "in touch" with what you have as one forgets what you hoard. What colour are you painting your craft room? Try a hot water bottle for that sore back. That is all that helps for mine. I love your new frog too. ; )
Love the new finish.
Loking forward to seeing the WIPs getting worked on.
I think I shall think of your stash as something to aspire to, that way I needen't feel guilty about any purchases for the next decade or so/
So envious of you having a crafting room. I need to evict one of my children before I can have one, but I have the plans in place already!!
Oh, Cape Cod's Girls ... I think that'll have to be my next project. Yours looks wonderful. And I love the new stop for scissors.
You have a very exciting WIP list. If you find a system that works, I'll be right behind you.
Cape Cod Girls looks great, Deb! I think my mouth dropped open when I looked at your WIP list, not so much as to how many, but how many BIG ones! Good luck with your new strategy. I'll be following your progress on Justine.
I hope your back feels better soon. Sometimes doing short gentle walks can work wonders.
I like your finish.
Good luck with your new plan. :) I just blogged about my rotation. Great minds. LOL
Love your CCG finish Deb - The fabric is sooooo wonderful - Your WIP list is full of wonderful things - AAACCCCKKK on having to move all that stuff - I know how you feel - my old house looks something like that - however my stuff is strewn everywhere - once you start digging into it - I swear it just balloons all over the place and becomes 10 times bigger LOL - My aching back will be with yours on Saturday as I plan to work at my old house trying to organize the stash and get some more moved over into the new house - what's the rush - it's only been a year! Mel
If you can go without spending money for even a month, I'll buy your lunch! LOL!!! I can't wait to see your room and your new table. Your CCG's is really pretty and I can't wait to see it framed.
Can't believe the Flower Frogs you've found. Wowzers, love the one you showed on this post!
Have a great week - I'm back at work after a week off and so wishing I weren't (at work, I mean).
Geez Deb...you are quite amazing! I love your WIP list...you have some mighty BIG aspirations & I am sure you will accomplish them! Your craft room is going to be so nice. How wonderful that your FIL is making a craft table for you! I wouldn't dare take a picture of my craft room right now...I have wool and floss all over the place!!
I love your CCG! Take care of your aching back..
Bet you didn't think I was reading your blog....but I have been. I was intrigued by the flower frogs and stopped at an antique store on my way home from work one day. In Allen, MI (antique capitol of the world) or so they claim! I only found a small top and have no idea what a good price is for one. Let me know, so if I stop again I'll know if I'm getting a deal or not! Lovely stitching too!
YGG on CCG! I love it. Any idea on where you're going to hang it? I love your start on Justine, too. She is such a fun stitch; such a bittersweet story. It is so nice that people remember her through her sampler.
I'm cheering you on with that WIP list! I am afraid to do it because most of my WIPs are BAPs. Oy. I get a headache just thinking about it!
lovely finish.
Ypur wip list have interesting work..a lot of work.
take care of your back, i hope the pain gone soon.
I love your Cape Cod Girls! That is quite the list of impressive WIP. I can't wait to see your table though and your basement when you get it.
Thanks for visiting my blog Debbie. I'm so glad you did, otherwise I wouldn't have found yours! :) I'll be visiting often...and checking on the progress of your WIP stitching.
Congrats on your Cape Cod Girls finish! Looks fabulous! A new desk is exciting (but a lot of work it appears...hope your back is feeling better). Your WIP plan sounds great. I may have to try that myself at some point with my many WIPs that I have going. Like you, most of mine are big, and like you, I don't do well with strict rules set for myself. :) Maybe your progress will inspire me. :)
Hi! Wow you have a lot going on and it all looks so interesting. Good luck getting all your workspace stuff organizing and put back in place. Thanks also for the link to my giveaway!
Cape Cod girls is really nice! I know you are enjoying it!
It's important to have WIPs! I don't know why, but that's what I keep telling myself!
I love your List. My list is huge too, but its so much fun planning and dreaming about stitching them all. Hope your back gets better soon, take care of yourself. xoxo
OOps forgot to congratulate you on such a pretty finish. I have this in my todo pile. So cute. Enjoy!!
Your Cape Cod Girls is wonderful, and the solid band at the top looks like it was meant to be that way. Have you thought about how you're going to frame it? And where to hang it? Good luck on the craft room and putting everything back in it.
Hello Debbie,
I hope your back gets to feeling better soon.
You are blessed to have your FIL custom make your sewing table! I can't wait to see how it's going to look!!
Thank you for your kind words on my machine embroidery. It is fun to do sometimes... something different from stitching and quilting. :)
Have a blessed weekend.
Great finish!!
I suddenly feel quite a bit better about my WIPs now, they do have a nasty habit of mounting up don't they?
Congrats on a great finish too :)
Your new furniture sounds exciting, now that is a special talent!
I still cannot believe how many of those flower frogs you come across!!! I suppose once I find just one then the heavens will open up and flower frogs will rain down! Hopefully! :o)
Love Cape Cod Girls. I am looking forward to Cape Cod Boys in a few weeks, hope it will be done soon! Your WIP list is a great one, although I am not sure there is ever a solution to the problem of WIP.. I too have several going, and I always get side tracked, especially with these blogs, seeing what everyone is stitching, always makes me want to stitch that one too! LOL, too MUCH!!! I have been wondering about your new table, and along with everyone, am very excited to see it, and very happy for you to get your craft room organized again!!!! How is your floss organizing going? That should help on the stash spending too. It is never easy!!! PS, would love to see Sarah Pope!
I have been looking for the Cape Cod Girls pattern forever. I stitched the Cape Cod Boys for my niece and she is now expecting a girl. Can anyone help me get the pattern so that I can stitch it for my niece?
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