I know that probably some people were wondering why I was buying numerous flower frogs that all looked the same. Well, I had an ulterior motive - TO GIVE ONE AWAY!!!! I'm also including a pair of flowered scissors to get you started (although I know that every stitcher has at least one pair of scissors - but it's like a wallet - you can't give one away without a penny, quarter or dollar tucked inside - so what's a frog without a pair of scissors???). This frog will hold a lot of scissors - not only on the top, but the fluted sides!
So, if you would like to be entered into the giveaway, just leave me a comment on this post. Make sure that if you don't have a blog of your own to leave me your email so I can contact you. If you'd like an additional chance to win, make mention of this giveaway on your blog with a link to the post and let me know that you've done so. I know my actual anniversary is next Saturday, which is Labor Day weekend here in the States, so I'll announce the winner on Tuesday, September 8th!!
Good luck!!!!
And have a stitchy weekend filled with lots of X's!
Hello fellow Michigander! I started following your blog recently and I just love it. Congrats on your one year blog anniversary! Here's to many more years of blogging and stitching.
Count me in! I Luv those flowers frogs just haven't been ab;e to find one that I like but I like the one you posted!! I'll add you to my blog too
What a great idea...such fun. I would love to be entered and I am crossing my fingers!!! Dianntha
Happy soon to be bloggiversary! I'm a newcomer to your blog and have enjoyed reading so far. I would love to be entered in your giveaway for a chance at that beautiful flower frog. Happy weekend!
Happy early bloggiversary!! That is a pretty flower frog please count me into the drawing.
THank you :)
Hey Deb!
What a great giveaway. I would love to win this. (I've really admired your collection!)
Hope you have a great weekend. I'm sitting home sick. (bummer!) It does have it's advantages, I'm stitching all day!
Take Care.
Deb - I'd love to win that darling flower/scissor frog. It's just beautiful!! Love your blog too!! Congratulations girl!!
Great giveaway. I was looking at flower frogs the other day. And I would've brought one home... but I'm too cheap. What can I say? Your give-away is prefectly priced. lol
Hello Deb,
This is a super idea, thanks for this giveaway!
I've put on my blog's sidebar, so please enter me :)
Kind regards,
Congrats on your one year of blogging. It is a fun blog and we love reading about your stitching etc. I need a flower frog so hope to win. pj
Happy Blogoversary!! you have a great blog, I love it!
Please enter me. I am going right now to post in my blog
I posted a link on my blog.
Good Luck to me.
Happy Blogoversary! Please enter me into your draw.
What a lovely idea, Deb! You and I are much the same.... once we find something we like we just can't stop till we get enough!
Debbie, I remember when you found this beauty! I wanted it then! I want it now! Pleeeze!! I've added a post to my blog http://barbsstitches.blogspot.com/
Happy Blogoversary!
Congratulations to you!
I'd love to enter in the draw! thank you ver much!
I'll publicate it my blog just rigth now!
Specials regards!
What a great idea for a scissors holder!
OMG! When I saw that topic on the Google Blogger list and saw your giveaway, my heart starting racing to find out if you were giving away a scissor frog AND THE PINK ONE TOO!!!! Shortness of breath ensued after that!
Please, PUULLEAZE enter me and I will post on my blog right now, right now, right now!!!!! LOL
Happy Blogging Anniversary!
happy nearly blogoversary! can i be included in the giveaway i have never seen one of those before :)
Oh what fun! You clever person you. :D I would so love a frog thingie!! As long as it doesn't make me starting frogging my stitching. lol! I'm so bad about remembering to post about giveaways on my blog, but I'll try to remember. I'll let you know if I do. Happy bloggiversary!!!!!
I love your blog. Happy Blogiversary! And what a generous giveaway. I hope I win, I hope I win!
CONGRATS on your FIRST YEAR of blogging. So happy that I found you and our new friendship. :) Hope you continue on for many years to come!!
I can't believe you are giving away one of your lovely flower (scissor) frogs.
Please count me in for the drawing.
Hugs - Bobbie *no blog*
What a beautiful item to give away! I will certainly post about it on my blog. Your blog is just wonderful and I love watching the progress on your projects. :)
Oh, Debbie...how coincidental. Your post of today and my post talking about scissors. And the flower frog idea? PERFECT!
I'd love to win it so please count me in!
You can never have too many scissors!
Happy early blogoversary! My birthday is Halloween and I would love to win the frog and scissors! Please enter me!
congratulations for your next Blogoversary!!
i live so far far away that if this beautiful flower frog had to travel, would break in the travel (Sad).
godd luck girls.
Happy Blogiversary!!...a little early!
I have a scissor collection, but never thought of putting them in a flower frog. What a wonderful idea! I'ld love to have my name entered into your giveaway.
I wish you many more years of blogging and stitching!!
Pleast count me in on the give away..I have always wanted a frog and have not found one here in NC. You are an inspiration and love your blog!! Faye
Oh, me, me, me! My fingers are crossed. What a great idea.
That's a lovely frog! I'd love to win it! Congrats!
Hi Deb,
Ok count me in as well. This one is lovely, is it cranberry glass. - Sandra.
Congtratulations, and you have a great blog! Please enter me in your awesome giveaway.
Happy bloggoversary. I'd love a chance. Those flower frogs are really pretty.
Thank you.
Happy Bloggiversary and wishes for many more. What a neat way to display your scissors...please include me in this fun give-away...hugs, Linda
Happy blogoversary! Love that flower frog, don't see these in Singapore. Please enter my name in your giveaway.
My Mom always had flower frogs-I haven't seen one in years! I would love to win this for my own flowers.
Elaine R
Happy 365 Blog Days Deb!!! You are so sweet to offer one of your scissor frogs for your anniversary giveaway. I must say I was awe struck with the white one you posted back a few months ago. They are so neat! I will be posting your giveaway on my blog, and heres to a million more stitchy days of blogging!!
What a beautiful gift! Lots of cool things to see on your blog too! I also listed you on my events blog at www.blogeventsdex.blogspot.com under Giveaways. Happy Anniversary!
Cathy ♥
I found your link from another blog, and have now added you to my feed reader. I'd love to be part of the fun.
I would love to try my luck!! Many Thanks and congratulations on your blog anniversary!! I love reading your blog. There is so much to learn:)
Congratulations on your anniversary my dear friend. I can't believe it's been a year already. Heck, I can remember when you told me you were going to start blogging! ((hugs))
Oh!! That is lovely!! I collect pink glass and that would fit in beautifully. Here's to another year of stitchy blogging!
Oh, please, please, please, enter me in your giveaway ! I'll create a link on my blog. You know I love flower (scissor !) frogs too and this one is a beauty. Thank you for your generosity, and happy blog anniversary, a little bit in advance. JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE, BLOG de DEBBIE !
It's gorgeous! I don't own one as of yet and I would love this to be my first. Congratulations on your blogiversary. I want to start a blog of my own soon.
Congrats on your blogoversary! I would love to be entered in your drawing.
Hello Deb :>)
I've only just come across your blog and have really enjoyed browsing through it. The frog your are giving away is absolutely gorgeous. i love the colour and it's really unusual. What a lovely and really generous gift especially with the scissors...oooh, I'd love to have one. So happy blogversary to you and good luck to me :>)
I don't have a blog so my email is:
Warm wishes Angela
I would love to be entered in the drawing! Thanks for the opportunity!
Congratulations on your Blogiversary! I really enjoy your blog. The flower frog is beautiful and I'd love a chance to win! Thanks, Nancy in NY Hedghogmom@aol.com
I would love to be entered but I think the postage to my bit of the world will drive us all into bankrupcy! But let's cross that bridge when we get to it! Happy blogaversary!!
Where did the time go Debbie. Happy Bloggiversary!! I hope to see you blogging for many years to come.
Hi, I'd like to be entered into your giveaway.
I've never won yet.
Congratulations! Your blog is fantastic!
Please, visit to my blog.
Hugs: Judit from Hungary
Congratulations on your 1 year blogging anniversary! I have been looking for one of those flower frogs to hold my scissors and I would love to win yours. Keep blogging!
Congrats on your upcoming one year. I would love to receive a flower frog to display my scissors. Thank you for such a great giveaway. CJ ok;-)
Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway - love the flower frog! Thanks, kimberlybreid@hotmail.com
First let me say your Cape cod Girls is awesome!! I love that one! Congrats on your anniversary-I had mine too, but totally forgot to acknowledge it on my blog, lol. Sure, please enter me--very generous of you!
FIRST of all, dear Debbie...I wanted to say how much I love your Cape Cod Girls finish! I missed that post somehow and it is so beautiful!! Now I do hope you are taking care of that back and resting, whilst stitching of course!;)
NOW, I also want to say I covet.desire.want.need that lovely flog frog, so count me in the draw, pretty please? Wow, this is my fave, and I don't have one yet, so let's hope I am lucky here!!
I will definitely be putting the giveaway details as a side post on my blog!
Thank you for stopping in reading my poem. I love to have friends visit, I truly appreciate the time it takes to read each blog post!!! I would love to be entered in the draw, how exciting for you!!!
I am going to add you to my favorites!!!
I love stitching.
Margaret B
Ohhh count me in for your give away please :-)
Congrats on your 1 year blogoversary!
Congratulations on your Bloggiversary! Love your Blog and have visited you several times to see what you are up to. I wish you had a picture posted of your new floor stand though, but I am happy that you are thrilled with it. I'll leave a link about this wonderful giveaway on my blog.
Happy Stitching,
What a very clever idea. I would love to be entered in your give away.
Thank you and congratulations on your one year anniversary!
What a great idea for a giveaway! Congratulations on blogging for 1 year. Would love to be included in your drawing.
congratulations on your blogging anniversary! What a generous giveaway : ) Please include my name, too
leliaevelyn (at) gmail(dot)com
OOOOh!!!! Fingers and toes will be crossed that I am the lucky winner!!! I've got scissors to fill it!! :o))) So nice of you to share the froggy love, Deb!!
I put up a post here:
Stitches of Life II
Hi, Deb: How beautiful and how generous of you! Please include me in your gift drawing.I have no blog and my e-mail address is sandscollins@sbcglobal.net
Thanks and Happy Blogaversary!
OMG, that is the best give-a-way...I just love it and would love to win it! :D
I love your Blog header picture, it's gorgeous. I purchased this design but have yet to stitch it...I am not even sure I know where it is now..yikes!
I could really use one of these. Count me in.
We started blogging on almost the same day. I just found yours and I am sure I will be returning.
Please count me in, I had not seen those before and they look really cool. Congrats on your blog.
Oh my! I love the flower frog idea for holding scissors! I recently misplaced my only pair of scissors, so I hope to win!! Glad to have stumbled across your blog.
Happy Blogiversary! And many more.
I LOVE those flower frogs. I haven't been able to locate one myself and would love to be included in your giveaway. If I win yours would be the start of my collection. :)
My my! I just got a pair of scissors from Jolene so now I guess I could use that lovely frog to display what I hope will be a growing collection someday.
It looks like it would match the rose colored candy dish I have on my coffee table.
Count me in and I've noted this giveaway on my blog sidebar.
Hi Debbie! Congrats on your upcoming 1st year blog anniversary!Here's to many more to come!Please enter me in your giveaway! I have posted your giveaway on my blog.
Congratulations on your blog's anniversary. I have enjoyed reading it and look forward to more. Your prize is wonderful and you are so thoughtful to offer it.
Please add me!! What a neat idea! It's helping me decide what to do for my blogiversary in Nov. :) Off to add it to my blog also. Have a great week!
Count me in too. I love flower frogs and boy do I need new scissors!
Thanks for the chance!
Happy BLOGOversary!!!
How exciting! I am a secret reader but heck I'll comment for a freebie!! LOL
Please enter me -- I would love to win.
I would love to be entered in your drawing! Thanks.
hmm this is my first visit to your blog, just stumbled across it while blog lurking! Wonderful site and some very beautiful work. Congrats on your blogiversary,
Oh Deb, I can't believe you are being so generous to part with one of your gorgeous frogs. Ever since seeing them on your blog, I have been on the lookout for one (or two or three) to no avail. I have not seen a single one in all my perusing - I'm beginning to think there are none to be found in all of Virginia.
I just have to have one. And how special it would be if it was one you picked out and that it was sent from Michigan.
So, I have a tough dilemna - I really want two chances but... I don't want to post it on my blog and risk further competition :-)
You know, seeing that it is your anniversary, this is really great reason to celebrate by adding to your stash :-)
Happy Anniversary!
Deb - how sweet of you to offer one of your most beautiful frogs to one of your lucky fans! I have my mom on the hunt for one of these but just in case we don't find one - I would love to win yours. Thanks and happy blogging to you ! Mel
Congratulations on your blog anniversary Deb and thanks for the comments you leave on my blog :)I love that scissor frog and would love to be in the draw to win it please. I will mention your give-away on my blog.
Hi all Michiganders on here! It's my home even tho I don't live there now. Anyway, Deb, I'd like to be entered even tho I'm way down on the list...LOL
Love your blog, BTW :)
Happy blogoversary, Deb! Awesome giveaway, enter me please!
I just found your blog..Count me in on your give a way. I'll be adding your blog to my reader. I love it.
Congratulations on your anniversary!! A flower frog! I have been looking for one lately, so how can Inot enter your giveaway? Thanks.
Congratulations on a continuously
superb blog! Your stitching is lovely!
Wishing you many days of stitching(and of course, I'd love to win
a gorgeous floral frog for my
Happy anniversary, Deb!! Woohoo!
I love the giveaway but have to say that I don't want to be entered in it, only because I would hate for the glass to be sent overseas & anything happen to it. But thanks!
I'll e you soon! ;)
Happy bloggiversary!!!!! I´d like you to incluide me in your giveaway, please.... what a great opportunity to win that beautiful flower frog..... I´m going to put in my blog so let me enter.... Hugs, Estrella
Congrats on your blogiversary !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd love to enter in the draw! thank you ver much!!!!!!!!!!!!
My email....marikeka@gmail.com
Second comment:
Just wanted you to know that I posted about your giveaway on my blog so you can enter my name twice (thank you!) It's going to be so hard to wait a whole week to find out who won (dramatic sigh).
Thanks again for being so very generous and parting with one of your wonderful frogs.
What a beautiful frog!! I see you are a Michigander....I grew up in Michigan and moved around the state until I moved to SC. I know live in OH. MI will always be home...I love the UP and cherry blossoms :)
Please enter my name in your giveaway. I'd love to store your frog and scissors for you!!! I'd be sure to take very good care of it and love it well.
This was my favorite of all the flower frogs you showed--its gorgeous. Please enter me. Congrats on your blogging anniversary--I love reading it.
Love the blog and love the idea for using the flower frog.
Had to go back and reread some of your posts and check out your work again. Your work is great.
Hi you. I have been offline for about 2 weeks thanks to AOL but it looks like I am just in time to enter your Blogaversary giveaway. Congratulations on your first year. I have loved every single post that you have written. If I don't win this one, which seeing as I am number 95 I don't really expect to, but at least now I know what they are called cause I need one. Lots and lots of Love Patti xxx
PICK ME! Ya gotta love it!
hi first of all I love your blog and much sfelicidadez on its anniversary
Congratulations! Please count me in - thank you for your generosity. I wish you many more anniversaries on your blog! :)
Congratulations on your blogiversary. I'd love to be added to the list. The frog and scissors are so cute!
Happy Blogiversay. What a unique giveaway. I would be honored to own one. If I win, you can reach me at dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
What a gorgeous frog! I have been looking and looking for one nearby and haven't seen one yet. Congratulations on your anniversary - here's to many more.
101 comments?? I guess you picked a winning prize to win!! I'd love to win, since now you have me looking in the antique stores for these now! I saw a top....maybe I should go back and look at it again. It wasn't as pretty as this one. I'm going to try and post a blog update this week and I'll mention your giveaway. Do you do any of the MI shop hop that starts Sept 11????
My goodness, a chance to win, count me in!
If you think it can jump across the ocean, please count me in, I would be so happy to win your lovely gift.
Congratulations on your (almost) blog anniversary!
Happy Blogiversary! That is such a beautiful and unique frog...I would love to give it a home, wink, wink!!!
Hi Deb,
I would love to win this...along with the other 105 people above me. LOL! What a generous giveaway. :)
Congrats on your blogiversary.
Wow what a great giveaway! I just found your blog for the first time today and definitely plan to visit regularly. Congratulations on your blog anniversary.
I have just found your blog,this a new world for me, and what a wonderful one it is just like your blog.I will keep my fingers cross!!!!
Congrats on your 1 year... I just had one too! The flower frog is beautiful... thanks for the chance to win!
Congratulations on your 1yr anniversary. The flower frogs are great, would love one. Hope to see many more years of blogging. X
Happy Blogiversary! I love the Thread Frog - I would LOVe to win it - if I don't where can I get one? Since I don't win anything!
happy blogbirthday.thank you for this chance. I posted your giveaway.hugs
Congrats on your anniversary,
I 'm not bothered about entering your giveaway , though it is lovely , but just wanted to say your stitching is beautiful.X
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I just recently found your blog and love reading it!
My mother had one of those flower frogs. I remember it so clearly. I've often wondered what happened to it -- so would love to be entered for a chance to win one!
Congrats! Please add my name to your drawing. I'll post a note on my blog when I get home tonight!
WOW... Thank you for the chance to with this lovely piece... and Happy 1 year! YOu have an AWESOME blog!!!! I love to read it!
Please add me to the list...Stitchinpeanut
I am also going to add your link to my blog...
Thank you again...
My email address is stitchinpeanut@insightbb.com
What a nice giveaway!!! The flower frog would be a nice place to store my scissors in my sewing room. Happy Blog Anniversary!!
Congrats on your one year blog anniversary! Please enter me in your draw too :)
Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary! Please enter me in your draw
What a great blog you have. Love all the pics. Your stitching is WONDERFUL! Happy Blogaversary! Please enter me. :D
Hi, Just found your great blog recently and am amazed at your stitching. I'm quite sure that blogger's have more hour's in a day than I do, how do I make that happen? Thanks for throwing my name in, look forward "seeing" more of you.
Oh, yes please enter my name in the giveaway! I have been wanting a frog for so long! This is so sweet of you to do this! Happy Blogiversary!
Congratulations on your one year bloganniversary!!! The scissor looks great. Please enter me in your drawing.
I just started with blogging for a few months. This is my blog, take a look if you like.
Oh wow! that's very generous of you! Please enter me into your giveaway! Congrats on the Blogaversary!!!
Congrats on your one year blogaversary! Please enter me in your giveway. Thanks!
Congrads on your blogianiversary!
Loved to win this, please enter me
First of all, congrats to your blog anniversary. It's so generous of you and that frog is very lovely. I would love to be added to the draw.
I also mentioned you (with link) on my blog and added you also to the sidebar. :)
Btw...your new room looks fantastic.
Congrats on your blog anniversary.
Flower frog is really nice.
Count me in also.
What a great giveaway and Happy Bloggiversary! I recently found you blog and love it! I have just the place for the frog!
I'd love to be included in your drawing, and I'll also post a link on my blog:
I hope it's not to late to put my name down. Happy anniversery!
Congrats on your one year blog anniversary it is a milestone!
I saw your frog and it is beautiful and am so pleased you want to share.
Please, enter me in the give-away I have many pairs of scissors and they do need a home so I know where they are at all times.
I enjoy your blog and come by often.
Your stitching is beautiful.
MY blog is theflyingitchesneedle.blogspot.com
God Bless ~
Ohhh would love to win. Please enter me. xx
I always like to join give-aways in new blogs I like to read, so here I am!
Ann-Christin in Sweden
Congratulations on you blog anniversary! I have really enjoyed reading your blog! It's great! Keep up the good job!
I love the flower frogs! I have never heard them called that, so I learned something new!
Please add me in for the drawing and I will also link you to my blog! Thanks so much!
I have never seen one of these (what did you call it? a sissor frog?) How clever. I might have to look for one of these myself if they are made for holding sissors. Hmm, thanks for posting this pic and giving one away. You've really sparked my interest.
Oh yes and Happy Blogiversary!
Enjoy your blog anniversary and thank you for the give-away!
I'll enter your lovely giveaway, but I live in Canada, so it that stops me...I totally understand!
Thank you for the wonderful chance!!
My daughter directed me to your blog and I'm glad she did. Congratulations on one year. I don't think I would find enough to say for one month. I admire you and Tracey and all who blog.
Congratulations on your anniversary! The flower frog is beautiful and PINK!!!
Have a great weekend!
Happy blogiversary, Debbie!! I would love to be entered in your drawing. I've posted it on my blog, too.
Please enter me in your giveaway!
Happy Blogiversary!
Congrats on your successful blogging...here's to many more years of it...
I would love to be included in your draw
Please enter me in the giveaway. Thank you.
Amber Rutz
I'v never seen a flower frog in my life, but it's gorgeous.
Count me in, please. I will left a note on my blog.
Thank you very much for the opportunity of this giveaway. Congrats on your anniversary!
Lovely blog and congratulations!
Good luck on many more years of blogging. :)
Congrats on your 1 year blog anniversary. That flower frog is really nice. I just got my first pair of actual stitching scissors and I would love to have more. (I always used whatever scissors I had close) And something to store them in. I am going to go ad this to my blog although you only have a couple of days to go. Have a great day! Barbara http://www.plasticcanvaslvr.blogspot.com/
Congratulations on your blog postings. Would love to win your givaway. Have a lovely week.
Happy Blogiversary! And what a lovely giveaway - a Flower Scissors Frog - great idea!!! What a beautiful sewing accessory. Thank you.
Congratulations on your 1st Blogoversary! I would love to be entered in your giveaway! I have seen the 'frogs' on others' blogs, and made a mental note to self to hunt one down... in my spare time of course! :) Would be wonderful to win one!
Have fun in your second year of blogging!
Oh please please please enter me for the scissor frog. I hope I'm not too late!
Happy Blog anniversary.
Enjoy reading your blog and Congrats on your one year anniversary!! Your 'flower
frog' collection is great and
how generous of you to offer such
a pretty one as a giveaway. I
would love to be entered.
Love your blog and Happy Blog Anniversary. What a great idea for the frogs.
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