Construction on the Block #5 of Shores has been at a snail's pace. No real stitching time this week. In fact, a lot of what I got done was last Monday night and last night. Obviously, I'm way behind schedule. This block was suppose to be done by the end of June. I'm still loving it, but it seemed to take forever to get the bricks and mortar in.
I did have one happy dance this week. I got Adam and Eve back from the framers:

I'm not a particular fan of Michael's for framing, but they had a 60% off sale, so I decided to give them a whirl (I like to save a buck whenever I can). I'm really pleased with the job they did. Now that one is put to bed, so to speak, I'm really itching to work on Ann Medd (given that there is an A&E in that piece). She's been calling loud and clear, but the thought of pulling her out fills me with a sense of anxiety because she's do big. But maybe I can find some time to put some stitches in. My whole problem is that I always go for the BAPs and not much in the way of small things.
The rest of the week was just plain, 'ole busy. DS does volunteer work through his high school with an organization called Kids Giving Back (looks good on his college apps, don't you know). His requirement this week was to work the fireworks in town. No stitching was done that night as he had to be there at 4:30 to 5:30 for set up and then from 9:30 to closing to take down (they have a tent where they solicit donations for the works that they do in the community). Needless to say, I was kind of stuck sitting there for six hours because of the traffic. And I forgot my stitching! UGH And it rained the entire time. Another UGH! Luck was on everyone's side though and about 10 minutes before the fireworks were to begin, the rain stopped and the fireworks went on. What we don't do for our kids, right? I'll so love it when DS gets his license - although, on second thought, I'll probably worry myself to death.
I did manage to pick up another couple pairs of scissors this week. I'm kind like an obsessed person with these now. One pair is just a cheap pair of floral scissors I found at a needlepoint store and the other ones are a pair of Gingher Biancas.

The scissors frog is filling up:

I definitely need to find some time to make some fobs. I've got a couple patterns lined up and I'm going to beg Terri for some beading lessons, but it's all going to have to wait until the fall I'm afraid.
I did manage to make a quick run this weekend around everyone's activities. Dawn at Holly Hills Primitives had this tea cart on her blog a couple of weeks ago, and I knew that I had to have it. She was holding it for me and holding it, and I couldn't find the time to get up there. Finally yesterday I just said "I'm out of here" and drove up to get it. My grandmother had one of these carts to display her tea cups. When I was little, I used to love to go into her dining room and look at all her pretty stuff (her house was a very feminine cottage type house - decorated in the style of what we call shabby chic these days). When she passed away, my Evil Aunt took off with the cart (along with a multitude of other things, but I won't get into that). I got most of the tea cups, but haven't had any real place to display them. Some were in the bottom of a large bird cage I had, but the rest were scattered around:

I just love it. It's really a flower cart but it looks very much like the one my grandmother had minus the pot holders on the top. It needs a little cleaning up and I may give it a new coat of paint.
I have to thank everyone for their comments about my traffic ticket. I called the Court to see what the damage was going to be and I was told, "$125.00 and 2 points"! WHAT! I have set up a court date. Seeing as I have an unblemished record and there was a reason I looked away from the light (my cell phone rang - DS was hurt in gym class that day and I thought the school was calling me and telling me his injury was worse that they originally thought), I'm going to fight it. At least hopefully get the points taken off. Everyone tells me maybe Mr. Cop won't show up and they'll throw it out. We'll see what happens!
Well, that's it for now. Have to run and catch up on a bunch of errands. Hope everyone has a great week and finds some time for stitching.
Deb...It sounds like you had a perfect 4th! The weather was just grand! I love your scissor frog..looks like you have got quite a selection of scissors going. I have never had anything professionally framed, I usually do it myself, but I think I am going to try the Rocking Horse next time they have a sale. I love your little tea cart...beautiful in your yard. Have a great day!
Hi Deb,
Shores is looking great! Love this block as well, but I'm not finished with mine either, if that makes you feel any better.
I say pull out your next A&E start and get going. I have a few of those, overwhelming and huge projects in the start pile, but I figure if you start it, then it's a WIP and will eventually get done, right?
I think you are smart to fight your ticket. Honestly if you were not able to stop for the red light, it seems you would have been endangering more people to slam on your brakes and try and stop for it. I would definitely fight it.
I love the beautiful tea cart. That is a great way to display your teacups. Can't wait to see it painted.
Love your A&E framed. It looks great! Where is this piece going? You always have such great decorating ideas.
Have a great week!
Your Shores is looking good! And I love how A&E came out -- nice frame! How great that you scored that cart too -- now your tea cups won't be caged anymore! lol! Glad you had fun over the 4th weekend. We do do things for our kids, don't we? Hope you get some stitching time. I know what you're saying about it being at a premium now that it's summer!
Oh Deb I wished you lived closer to me and my DH would be able to help you with that ticket.
Good luck. Courts are so ridiculous. You run a stop sign and get plastered and then another case with a guy beating his wife, he pays about 25.00. Justice is not fair. Oh well, I want go into my sermon about that......LOL
I LOVE YOUR SCISSORS....Girl! you and me on scissors. I like how you have them displayed. I'm putting on my thinking cap how to display mine. Great idea.
Deb, forgot to add the important thing is that your framed piece is beautiful. Isn't it a great feeling when you pick up your needlework piece! Love it.
I LOVE that block on Shores...it's my favorite one because of the widow's walk ;)
Your cart...is the cat's meow! :)
I always get a little worried about Michael's framing also, but this A&E sampler turned out just great! I think I'll give Michael's another try!
Are you interested in selling/swapping the pattern for A&E?
The Michaels framing job is great! I've used them, always with trepidation because I heard horror stories from other people about needlework framing gone bad, but I've been quite happy.
Wow--A. Medd? That is the BAP of all BAPs.
I love the tea cart and the scissor frog. Maybe if I got a scissor frog I could FIND my scissors.
Definitely fight the ticket--can't hurt!
I just love how your SoHH is coming along, those blues look really good together. I also love, love, love your framed A & E piece, what a treasure it is! Oh, and that cart is so adorable.
I'm glad you had a great holiday week-end; the place you went to sounds heavenly.
Oh, how lovely! The framing is just wonderful....I've always lucked out with Michael's and use those coupons whenever I have them!
The tea cart is sublime....
And your progress on SOHRH is wonderful...love the color of that house!
Wow!! Your A&E came out SO nicely, Deb! I am really impressed that Michaels did that. Wow. The frame is beautiful. What a great find in that tea/flower cart!
I say go for Ann Medd. I hear you, though, on being busy with summer and it being a monster BAP. I want to pull out my A&Es but with my going away, I need to work on some smaller things to keep my attention. Oh, and lest we forget, there are the Colonial Garden charts, too!! ACK! Ah well, it's a fun crazy, right?!
PS--your Shores is looking great!! Der, I should have said that right off the bat. Ahem.
the shore is beautiful,(and with a lot of work).
I am glad that you 4 july was great.
i like the scissor too, lovely.
good luck with the ticket fight!.
You are showing wonderful things again!
Sampler with this frame is perfect!
I love you scissors too!
And the Shores is a great progressű!
Great work on your shores! I hate doing the bricks on the houses they just seem to take forever. I cannot wait to see christmas when it comes out.
The framing job is lovely!!
Deb you A&E came out so pretty - glad you were pleased with the framing at Michaels - I have seen some good pieces and some bad pieces - I think you just have to get someone who cares what they are doing.
Hope your ticket gets thrown out but it would be my luck they would say you should not have been distracted by a cell phone ringing. (sigh)
I love your SoHRH progress - it is wonderful - I know what you mean about BAP's - seems that is all I am interested in doing and then get bogged down before I ever complete them - oh well - as long as I am having fun stitching -that should be the main goal - errr - right? LOL - Melody
Deb, your Shores progress is amazing and beautiful! I love this design and seeing you (and Siobhan) stitch it, is really inspiring to me!
OMG, I'm drooling over your framed A&E, it's drop dead gorgeous!! I MUST find this chart someday and stitch it!! Seeing yours all done and framed just cinches it for me
Debbie, the frame is perfect for your A&E! Your new scissors are pretty, too. Glad you found a cart that reminds you of your grandmother. She would be pleased to know it meant that much to you, I'm sure.
Hi Deb,
Sounds like a fun 4th!
And yes I do know what we go through for our kids as I have teenagers myself. And we thought we were busy when they were little. :-)
Adam and Eve turned out very nice.
I have those pair of floral scissors and I love them! I use mine all the time even though I have more expensive scissors. LOL!
Love the flower cart and yes I do know what you mean about tea carts. My Aunt inherited my grandmother's tea cart.
DD enjoys tea (I'm a coffee drinker) so I'm starting to pick up tea cups and saucers for her. We don't need more than one of each set as it's more fun and colorful that way. :-)
Have a wonderful week!
Windy Meadow
Adam & Eve looks great in the frame. Sounds like you got a good deal. My bricks and mortar are going slow on block 3 of VoHRH.
If you email me your address I would love to make a scissor FOB for you, just let me know what colors.
Good Luck on that traffic ticket.
Lovely progress on Shores, Deb :) Your A&E looks wonderful framed as well, great choice of frame!
I love the cart you picked up - please share pictures again when you have it all set up and your teacups on display. Sorry about the cost of the ticket though - I hope you can get it reduced or dismissed.
Shores is coming along nicely and don't be so hard on yourself, its summer after all and there are so many other things to do. Love your framed Adam and Eve. Now you must hang it. ; ) I am keeping my fingers crossed that you don't lose your points of your licence.
Lotsa hugs
Great framing job on your A&E! Shores looks lovely too - now that the house is done the rest of the block won't take long, you'll see.
I love how A&E looks framed! I will have to buy this sampler now! Shore is looking wonderful!
Congratulations on framing Adam & Eve - it is beautiful! I really like your scissors frog too!
I love the intro photo of the
ABC's it is fabulous. And I thought the scissor frog was interesting too. I use a floral divider. lol I will be back and Always be in Stitches.
Oh, I love this cart. Good pick. One for your future grandchildren to admire !
Hope the fine is reduced - I know how it feels : unfair !
Have a nice week,
Love all your scissors, they are so pretty.
The frame is gorgeous, what a pretty piece.
You had fun too this weekend!! You are making some serious progress on your Shores, I havent seen it in a few posts, and I am quite behind :). Your A & E looks terrific, nice choice for your frame. Looks like they did a nice job framing too, and saving a buck-- is even better. I am loving your scissors. Just really 'discovered' the designer series scissors, and I know, for a fact....I am in BIG trouble! There is a new pair coming out in September that I MUST have!! LOL. You might need a new scissor tree soon!!
Having three children of my own, I can totally relate to your schedule. So sorry you were stuck without your stitching--I try to keep a bag in the car along with a book on tape for such times and I would be lost without those items.
Your A&E looks great! So does the scissors frog!
Toi aussi tu as de très belles broderies !
Je t'embrasse Debbie et te souhaite une belle soirée
Hi Deb, so glad the cart worked out for you! I just had a feeling it would. It was so nice to have you come up the other day and catch up. Keep watching - we're getting LOTS of goodies in almost every day for awhile. Talk to you soon, Dawn
The block on Shores is gorgeous. You're going great with it! Adam and Eve looks lovely framed.
Good luck at the court. I do hope you get it overturned or reduced.
Your A&E looks spectacular! I'd better get off my butt and start making some progress on my A&Es! Love your Shores progress too.
Oh my Gosh!!! A scissor frog, I LOVE IT!!! I have never seen anything like this. I envy you and your beautiful white frog. I have a few scissor fob patterns you might be interested in. Let me know if you are.
Deb - LOVE your A&E and your tea cart is beautiful. I, too, have many of my Grandmother's tea cups and used to serve tea in them for many years but sadly they are packed away now - I may have to get them out and display them again. Thank you for your sweet comment on my Merry Cox project. I was at my guild summer stitch-in today and they like the beads I was planning to use so I can now finish up the final touches. Your Shores is looking wonderful and another in my stash that I need to bring closer to the top!
I so really need to find one of those big flower frogs! I love your idea of storing your scissors that way! And SCORE on the scissors purchases lately! wooohooo!! AND..you're making me wanna organize threads. Lord knows I need to. I keep purchasing and I'm sure I have threads here and there and everywhere! Are those the cabinets like you get at Home Depot for screws and such? Great idea!
Hi Deb,
I just found your blog and enjoyed reading it. You have some wonderful stitching. I also love to do stitching, but I also like all kind of crafts. I'm a busy bee ;)
I'll come back to visit your blog again.
Greetings from Belgium,
Great progress on yours shores. The A&E framed piece came out great too. Love the scissors frog and the flower cart. CJ ok;-)
I love the scissor frog. I am going to have to keep my eye out for one. I really like your frame choice for Adam & Eve. Shores is coming along nicely.Pretty tea cart.
Shores is coming along really well, I think... do you think it's like watching our kids grow? By that I mean: We look at our kids every day, so don't notice their growth nearly so much as someone who only sees them every once in a while.
No? Not the same at all? :)
A&E came out very nicely!! I remember being so nervous the first time I took something in to Joann's to get it framed (a needlepoint rose I don't think I've shared a pic of...), but they did such a great job (even called me to find out how I wanted them to handle an issue that had come up) that I always take my stuff there. Maybe that's wrong of me (after all, it's supporting a big box store vs. an LNS), but I've only got so much cash to throw around, folks. :)
TWO points??? Good grief! Unreal! Especially given the truly maniacal drivers on the highways in MI... seems a bit extreme to me!
Hey, fyi, there is one oddity with the books I mentioned on my blog. They do NOT give yardage for your backing fabric. Odd, right? Not in either book. Shouldn't be too diff to figure out, but still... decidedly different. :)
Hi Deb,
Shores is looking so good!! I have this one and the fabric. I need to get the NPIs and get it started. So many people seem to be stitching this one right now, and I keep salivating over it. :) Can I ask what count of fabric you are using and how many strands of silk?
Your A&E sampler looks fantastic framed. I so admired this the entire time you were stitching and finishing it. I searched out the pattern and was able to find it. I was very thrilled. Your flower cart and the plans you have for it are lovely. I love stuff like that..things that remind me of loved ones. Have a great week!
Deb! What a great post!!! Love the pic of shores - you are making some kind of good progress. I know you - before Kathy comes to Guild, you'll have all three done and have started on the Christmas in HRH and will get all kinds of awards and accolades (which you deserve!).
Love the frame on you A&E. In fact, I've used that before on a piece I gave Julie I do believe. It looks fantastic.
I told you you'd come home with that cart, didn't I!? It's perfect!
Your frog is looking great and you're wasting no time in filling it up! YGG!
You know I've always been a fan of Ann Medd (well, your Ann Medd - I don't want to stitch her) so go for it! I'll cheer you on to the end!
Been crazy busy at work this week and haven't had a chance to call. Will do that today or tomorrow but I am not going to guild on Sunday either. I had to put together a 250+ page briefing for our Director this week and it's been NUTS!
I am loving your Shores Block #5. That house is so pretty! And your scissors frog -- that's just amazing! What a lovely collection you have.
Love the new tea cart! It's really pretty. And your shores are working up beautifully.
Deb, I'm so glad to have found your blog! Your Adam and Eve is really beautiful all framed up. Shores is looking great -- keep working on it, it will be worth it in the end! Great finds on your scissors and tea cart, too. :)
Shores progress is looking beautiful, Debbie. I love that house!! Keep it up, and it will be finished, you aren't too far behind schedule. Oh dear, on the 6 hours trapped with no stitching, what a bummer!! I know it seems that our kids take up so much time, but we wouldn't trade it for the world. I know I wouldn't, although sometimes I will let a sigh escape while I am thinking of what else I could be doing. And before you wonder, it doesn't stop much once they are grown, at least mine still need/want/crave lots of my attention! (^-^)
I love your A&E framed, it is priceless!!! Glad you got a good deal on the frame!!
Love the teacart, that is heavenly, and such a sentimental find for you, so glad!!!
Oh, your A&E look so lovely framed. I took out that chart the other day and looked longingly at it, but there are too many other things I'm more anxious to start (sigh).
Cute, cute tea cart.
Oh Debbie, the framing is just perfect. It looks very good. And I just love your scissor frog. Since I saw the first scissor frogs on some stitchers' blogs I've been looking for one myself. So far no luck but I know that I will find one one day ...
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