I'm doing a happy dance because I got Block 4 on Shores finished up this weekend. I don't know about anyone else that's stitching this, but this block was kind of ugly (sorry Kathy B). Is it just me? I couldn't get through it fast enough. Something about those squares inside that moon - kind of reminded me of the TV scrambling or something - you know - when pixels go awry. But I forged ahead. Actually, it wasn't that bad because it wasn't as stitch intensive as some of the other blocks!

So now I'm one-third of the way done! Ya Hoo! Quite honestly, I didn't think that I would get this far, but now that the moon block is done, I have a better attitude about the whole thing. Of course, my tune can change when I get to Block 5 - there's a whole lot of stitching goin' on in that block. I'm now back to the City Stitcher A&E. I am really hoping to get that one done in the next week or so.
I have to thank everyone for comments and emails about my oral surgery. Things went pretty well. The doctor was good - I didn't even know that he pulled the tooth. Now the sawing into my upper bone was not the most pleasant thing that I've been through, but it was more the noise than anything. I didn't have sedation for this, just a ton of shots. Only caveat to the whole thing is that the sinus augmentation couldn't be done because the root of the tooth in front of it was too close to the area, so the doc put a spacer thing in there and sewed me up. He's going to do the sinus thing when the implant is put in - a few months down the road. For all the anxiety he put me through, the office sent me flowers the next day.

I thought this was nice. DH's comment was, "With what the hell he's charging you for this, you better get something out of it". LOL Anyway, it was a nice touch. Never had that happen before, but DH has a point.
Cleaning of my craft room continues. Slowly, but surely. I've managed to get through the cross stitch books and to my sad realization, I only emptied out two binders, but yet have a whole Rubbermaid bin full of charts and kits. Of course, I came to the conclusion after I looked at the cabinet and saw no new space awaiting future stash purchases (I should be shot even thinking about future purchases), that I've just accumulated too much stuff (there was a lot waiting to be filed). So I guess I'm going to have to do another run-through here soon. I know that I did hang on to things that I probably will not stitch, but it's like a child going off to school - it's hard to get through the initial separation - after that - you wondered what all the anxiety was about. So I'm going to have to do Round #2 shortly.
I was going to reorganize all my threads. Something that desperately needs to be done, but instead I opted to start in on the cabinet where I keep the quilting stuff and came across some interesting things that I forgot I had. Some stitchery things. You know, for when you want a change from cross stitch.

Not the greatest picture. I had forgotten I had these patterns, but should have remembered. I've made a few of the angel pillow at the bottom of the picture. I think the little stitcheries are cute because they have some fabric applique along with the stitching.

Then I found this one too, and pulled it out because I figured it would be a really quick project. Looking at the pattern I realized that this was an old pattern from Brenda Gervais of Country Stitches dated 1999. It's also Pattern #250 so now I'm wondering just how many patterns she's done.

Sitting next to the patterns were these bundles of quilt fabrics:

Okay, be still my heart. I know the pile on the right was for a Buggy Barn quilt I wanted to do, but I can't remember what the other bundle was for. Further digging into the quilting stash will probably reveal the answer. I also found some more quilt tops that I did, but I'll save them for another time when I really don't have anything to write about
Yesterday I was reading Margaret 's blog and she talked about a contest that asked for pictures of collections. I don't usually get into doing this, but I was bored the other day - exhausted from gardening and didn't feel like entering the craft room, so I took a shot for the contest:

A Tempest of Tea Cups. Not the greatest photographic endeavor on my part, but I decided to take a picture of some of the teacups that I inherited from my grandmother. The one in the lower left (with the violets) is one of the ones that she painted. They're sitting in a large birdcage until I can find an antique teacart. Anyway, I didn't win the contest, but it was an opportunity to take a picture of them. Rechelle (the person who ran this contest) wanted to know why the teacups were in prison - what had they done? LOL
Well, that's it for now. I am realizing that the kids get out in less than three weeks, and I've got a million things to do. Life changes considerably when school lets out!
Have a great week everyone!