Happy Weekend everyone! Hope the weather is great where you are. Spring finally came to Michigan! It's about time. 82 degrees!!! And wouldn't you know it, I have to sit inside and watch my niece make her First Holy Communion today! I shouldn't complain though - she's going to have a beautiful day for this blessed event! And after the service and dinner, I'm stitching while everyone sits around and gabs!!
I did get some stitching done which surprises me. I'm trying to get the Spring housecleaning done and get in some more time organizing my craft room. The craft room took a backseat because the rest of the house needed it more. Like almost everyone I see on the blogs lately (or ones that I watch) , I jumped on the bandwagon and stitched BBD's freebie, Petites Lettres Rouge. I kind of felt like a lemming going to the sea because of so many people I see doing this. But stitching this really got me over my fear of stitching one-over-one.

Petites Lettres Rouge
1 over 1 on 32 Ct. Cream Belfast Linen
Crescent Colors Clay Pot, GAST Mulberry, GAST Raspberry Parfait
1 over 1 on 32 Ct. Cream Belfast Linen
Crescent Colors Clay Pot, GAST Mulberry, GAST Raspberry Parfait
I was going to put a family name into it besides my own, but then decided that I'd just put mine in as I've put family into others that I've done. I probably should have put my grandmother's name - Olive Kaupp - into it because she was the person who taught me to embroider when I was about 10 years old. We used to call her Olive Oyl behind her back. I think she knew though and got a chuckle out of it. But she was tall and thin, so the name kind of fit her. BTW, the pitcher in the background was hers. She liked collecting things like that and some of it became mine when she passed away. I'm going on the hunt now for a small frame or may make it into a needlebook of some sort and display it amongst my red transferware.
After I got that done, I went back to Shores and made a little progress. I'm dreading all the fill-in I'm going to come across with the grass and the water. But I'll keep plugging along and as incentive have picked out my next piece to do. I should pick up Cape Cod Girls again, but you know, I seem to have another case of startitis (or crafting ADD) and am using the new project as incentive to get this fill-in done on Block #3. We've got to do what we can to keep ourselves going, right?

Not too much else went on this week. I did make another road trip (well, actually was doing stuff I had to do and stumbled on a few sales out in the country). My periodontist appointment was cancelled on Wednesday, they prescribed more antibotics (I should be immune from anything for a while) and have an appointment next Tuesday. Nothing like putting off the agony! Anyway, in my travels this week I came across a couple things. I think I'm going to have to do this more often because I live right on the border of the country and there always seems to be some estate sale, some farm closure or just plain old garage sales going on. Of course, what was suppose to be a maybe one hour errand run, turned into an all day affair!

These pictures are kind of washed out. Probably should have shot the pics outside because this really is a deep black. This old plate shelf (at least that was how it was described to me) was a must have when I saw it. Not only was it black, but will fit perfectly in what little wall space I have in my kitchen. And it's in pretty good shape so I don't think I'll have to do anything to it. Just find a plate. I love the knobs on the drawers.

I also found a great map print that I'll post another time. It will look great in our family room. I can't seem to get a good picture of it because it's framed. I don't like the frame, so it needs to be taken out of that and put into something else. A project for this week!
I stopped myself there. DH has been lifting his eyebrow at me a lot with all these purchases. He knows I've been on the hunt for an antique sideboard for my dining room, but I keep coming home with all this other stuff! Oh well, it's fun!
That's about it. Have to get ready for my niece's communion! Hope you have a great weekend and week and thanks again for all the comments! I really like hearing from everyone.
It looks wonderful!! I love seeing it over one... you are going to be addicted now LOL
You found some great things at the garage sales.. I have not been in ages. I think I need to get out there.
Tkae care and stitch on!
Your BBD looks great, Deb! I love anything done over one and your little piece is beautiful! Love your finds! That plate rack shelf is adorable and the peg rack is cute, too. Shores is looking great!
Have a great weekend.
Wow, I think you have gotten some awesome stitching done! Shores is looking great, and I love your version of the BBD!! Great job, Deb! Oh and I love that black shelf, be sure and share a pic when it is hanging in your kitchen.
I LOVE over one. I just want to stop stitching continually on 40ct! I love what you found in the garage sales. Lots of Love Patti xxx
Hi Deb,
Love reading what's new in your life. I love your new finds! You have great things in your neck of the woods.
Your Blackbird finish is sooo darling. I've got to finish mine today. Your stitching one-over-one is perfect. It makes the piece look so delicate. I love the way you split your last name. I'm amazed at everyone's creativity!
Nice job on shores. I haven't worked on it one bit this month! I have some time next week, and I hope to do some major stitching on it then. You are an inspiration!
I hope you have fun at your nieces communion, and that you get a lot of stitching done after.
I'm sure it was a relief to not have to deal with the dentist this week. I hope you get it taken care of soon, without too much pain and heartache!
Talk to you soon. Your such a doll, and I'm so glad that we have a chance to chat!
Nice freebie stitch -- I love over one -- at least the look of it! lol! And great Shores progress too! Great finds too -- I love going shopping for those cool finds....
I love your 1/1 version of the BBD.
You made great progress on Shores. I love sales, you have some nice finds. It would be great to add some shelves and diplay your stitches and then store your linen in the bottom drawers, yup! I can find something to do with anythig from sales, so DH lets me buy, lol. The knobs are awesome
YGG on the BBD! It looks great, Deb. I love it! Love your Shores, too--it's coming along great.
Fabulous finds! Lucky you. I wish there were places like that around here.
Your BBD sampler looks so pretty! I just finished mine, so we're all in this together.
Nice antique purchase, too. I'd like to get hold of that.
lovley stitching of BBD.
i like the things that you find.
BBD looks gorgeous, I love it one over one and you beat the deadline! (yay) Your grandmother's pitcher is so pretty Deb and is Shores coming along or what? Love that mermaid. :) As usual you found some great things (can't wait to see a pic of that map print) and hope you guys had fun and stayed dry at the Communion (could you believe that rain and wind)?
Your version of the BBD freebie looks so beautiful. Congratulations.
The finds you made are gorgeous and I'm sure you can find the perfect use for them in your stitching room.
Great finish!
What neat shelves.
Your BBD looks wonderful! I love your Shores too, that's such a pretty piece.
Great finds, you did good.
Oh Deb, it has been so much fun to see all the new goodies coming into the shop! And there's more to come before Ladies Night! This weather is WONDERFUL! We've been working in the yard today, putting down fertilizer and cleaning off the porches. It feels so good to be outside for a change. I just love to sit on the front porch in the summer with a big glass of iced tea and watch the world go by. Just wish it was warm enough to plant some flowers. Oh well, it won't be long now! Hope you had some time to stitch today - I love your work, it's just beautiful. Dawn
Your little French girl sampler is very sweet. YGG for stitching it over one. You're making good progress on Shores.
You had some wonderful finds... great way to spend the day.
Hi Debbie , your little stitching looks very nice and ....Congratulations on your "Shores" progress ....hum !!! I feel I am going to be tempted by this design thanks to you :-)
you are a lucky stitcher to can stitch on 40 ct linen : wow !!! The most I do is stitching on 36 ct !!
Wishing you a wonderful day and nice stitching hours ,
Take care,
Debbie -
Nicer version of PLR. Didn't you forget to include a number in front of "ans" though ?
I enjoyed seeing your BBD & your Shores update. I enjoy going to yard sales. I keep hoping I am going to run across someone is selling needlework supplies.
Your little sampler is adorable - and great going on Shores!
Your BBD looks good, i have come across it on a lot of blogs, like you said, but it's good to see what different colours people have chosen and how they will finish it.
You did good with the finds.
Love your BD sampler! I want to make this with my grandmother's name. I keep telling myself not to even start it though with all my other projects going and baskets full of even more. :-)
Hugs ~
Hello, Debbie!
I love the "petites lettres rouges". It's fine, and easy to stitch, I guess...
Thank you so much for your last comment on my blog! Your congratulations have given me a great pleasure!
Many kisses from France,see you soon!
Lovely interpretation of the BBD sampler!
Deb - I love your version of the BBD sampler - it is REALLY pretty - great colors and so petite ooh la la - very nice!
hope you'll get that tooth thing behind you soon - it is dread to have to keep waiting
your antique finds are cool too - ummmmm - antique sideboard - good luck! Melody
J'aime ton petit sampler !
Je t'embrasse Debbie et te souhaite une belle soirée
I enjoyed viewing your stitching projects. I used to do cross stitch but quilting overtook that hobby. You do really nice handwork.
Deb, your little BBD sampler is lovely and your Shores is looking great. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.
I love how your BBD piece came out. I've been looking for a bird that will work on mine...I like yours!! That plate rack shelf is fabulous - what a great find!!
Your work is really gorgeous! jan
Deb, I love your BBD piece - it is so sweet. And great work on your Shores - it looks wonderful, too.
I hope you enjoyed your niece's First Holy Communion. It seems like just yesterday my family was at my daughter's FHC. It's such a special time.
Good finds, too. The board with the star cutout will be perfect for your smalls!
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