Friday, November 26, 2010

Where Has This Month Gone?

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are not chastising themselves for eating too much! Hard not to do, isn't it?  Then you get to face the leftovers the next day.  Ymmm!  But I hit the treadmill full speed running today.  Between Thanksgiving and my trip to New York and all the food I ate there, I feel like a whale!

I realized today that I've only made one post this month, but there has been so much going on!!  And none of it really stitchy.  This time of year is always busy.  I went on my annual trip to New York:

No, I didn't see the Statue of Liberty this year, but if you can believe this - I didn't take one picture!!!  I think that I was just running around too much with my sister and then running all over the city, that I didn't take a single picture!  Oh, maybe one of my sister's cat, but I'll spare you that one.  The doll was sent to me by my mother - another Barbie to add to the collection!

Sis and I had a wonderful time.  The weather was wonderful while I was there - in the 60's.  I only had two days with her, but we combed the North and South Forks of Long Island for antique treasures.  Treasures are not the same there as in Michigan, but I did come up with a couple things:

Another flower frog to add to my collection.  This one is quite large, made in England and perfect for all the little things I have around my sewing machine and keep misplacing while I'm sewing - like being knocked down on the floor or hidden under what I'm sewing.  Now they have a home.

I also found the wooden spools, cheap I might add, for putting lace on, a half doll to make a pincushion out of, and the angel plate.  Not huge scores, but antique shops aren't quite the same in LI as they are here in Michigan, and these came from the North Fork (the less affluent side of LI).  But we had a wonderful time driving around, eating calamari and seeing the sights.  I always hate leaving, but look forward to the next year.

After that I spent a couple days in the City and those are always wonderful times too.  The weather again was perfect - 65 and you didn't really need a coat!  I can never get enough being there and all of the great sites to see, and the things to do.  If you have some money you'll never starve or have a hard time finding things to buy in New York.  But I never go into stores and shop - I just love wandering the city and seeing the sites - like the window displays, all the billboards and the people.  I did go into St. Patrick's Cathedral - beautiful - and a few other places, but mainly just walked around.  I can't wait to go again.

A few weeks before I left, I made a trip to my not so local LNS and on the way home stopped in the town of Holly for a quick run through in one of the shops and walked out with these:

These were all from one store and ridiculously cheap!  I always love a good find.

Because of all the activity over the past few weeks, I haven't made much progress on Frances Eden:

Pretty pathetic!  I'm starting to get used to the colors of this though, but as always happens when I've been away from stitching for a week or so, my mind starts to wander around for something else to work on.  I'm trying to be good, but I have this bad desire to dig through stash and see what else I can come up with.

And of course, like a pesky relative, my Farmer's Wife blocks showed up for this month!!!

I guess I have my work cut out for me, although reading through the directions, there doesn't seem to be any template cutting, so maybe I can make short work of these.

So that's it - a rather boring post!  Hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things now that I've recuperated from my trip.  I always come home exhausted, over fed, but smiling!!

I haven't even looked in my Blog reader to see how far I'm behind on reading - I think that I have a lot of catching up to do!  Thank you so much for your comments on my last post and for the congratulations to my son for his college acceptances.  We're still waiting on the coveted U of M letter, but I think that we have another week or so before we hear anything.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!  And thank you to all my new followers!  I came back from my trip and saw that I now have 407!!!!  Wow!  I'm shocked, but also humbled that you stop by to see what I've been up to.  Thank you all so much!!  I hope that the rest of your holiday weekend is great!!!


Robin said...

Deb, you have been a busy girl! Frances is looking lovely but I know what you mean about the mind wandering to other happens to me all the time!

Jane said...

Far from boring Debs, love reading about your travels and your treasure finds ~ how come I've never found a beautiful flower frog like that here in England?
It's nice sometimes to avoid the big shops and stores and just appreciate the city life that you're being part of.
Now no more excuses, get on with some stitching! if you stitch fast enough you'll loose those extra calories xxxx

Annie said...

Sometimes a break from stitching can be a good thing. Sounds like you had a fun trip and you have some really nice new goodies to play with!

Cathy B said...

Sounds like your trip to New York was positively fabulous! Love seeing all of the treasures you find when hunting through antique shops.

Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving - enjoy the holidays!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Your blog posts are never boring! I've been thinking that I'd love to go to NYC in November and see the city. I haven't been since I was very young and didn't appreciate the experience.

I don't see how you manage to find so many flower frogs. You must be a frog magnet! :)

Unknown said...

I love NYC, it sounds like you had another wonderful 400+ followers, a testament to how wonderful it is to you and your blog.

Enjoy your weekend!

Barb said...

I would love to spend some quality time in NYC. So many things to do! My trips there are only day trips while visiting NJ relatives.

Margaret said...

That Liberty Barbie just cracks me up! lol! Glad you had a good time in the city. I bet I know when you were there just based on the temps you had. :D Your pic of Frances Eden has me dreaming of starting her yet again. I have A&E on the brain I think. I have 3 different big A&E's I want to start now, including Frances. Hope you're enjoying the long weekend!

gracie said...

Oh how lovely all your new treasures are! Thank you for sharing the them.

pj said...

Deb, so glad you had a great trip to NYC. And, visiting with sisters is always fun for me so I am sure you had a special visit. I think it is great that you put this time on your calendar to share a few days with her.

I hope you get your stitching needle back in hand. Love your posts...never boring. hugs, pam

BrendaS said...

I'm glad you had a good time in New York. Doesn't time always pass by so quickly when you are on visiting?

Great finds in New York and Michigan. You are so lucky with finding flower frogs:)))

I always enjoy reading your posts and they are never boring.

Have a good weekend!

Rugs and Pugs said...

Deb ~
So glad you enjoyed your trip to NYC. What a fun place. Some day I'd love to go back.
Hope your Thanksgiving was the best ever!
Pug hugs :)

Cathy Lloyd said...

I so want to go to New York with my sisters some day. We keep talking about it...but then we don't go! :)

Alice said...

I'm with you on the wandering about the city instead of being indoors shopping. However, I can be tempted to go in for some deli food!

We are spending a weekend in New York, two weeks from now... so excited!

Sherry said...

You really have been busy! It's always good to see you post. Sounds like you had a great time in New York.

Sherry :o) said...

You have your work "cut" out for you with your new farmer's wife this month - funny!

Glad you had a nice visit to NY - and fingers are crossed on your college letter!

See you in a couple weeks! :-)

MyLifesAStitch said...

Like a pesky relative. Haa!!! :)

Can't wait to see the new Farmer's Wife blocks! No pressure or anything! ;)

Yvette said...

Wow! You really have been busy!
I love all of your antique finds, you won't find any great antique shops on the west coast, I guess these states aren't old enough yet. LOL!

Can't wait for your FW stack to be done so you can share, you know how much I love those blocks.

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

You got quite a haul there, girlie!

Lucky you to go to New York. I've always wanted to go there.

Miss you lots on my blog.


Lois said...

You have been busy doing fun things! Sounds like a lovely time in New York and you came home with some nice treasures. Good to see a post from you!

Michelle said...

Loved hearing about your trip and NY is such a great place to wander around and just take it all in. Frances is looking great - I'm itching to start her.

Stitch By Stitch said...

Never a boring read! I love to hear about your travels to the City. Someday I hope to go there. You have such great luck finding those flower frogs, I have looked and looked, a complete bust:(

Jackie in UK said...

Hi Deb,

Thanks for commenting on my blog. That is a good idea (and one I had not thought of)..... I will see what I can come up with thanks! Love your farmers wife quilt blocks, they all look very complex to me!


Nicole said...

Beautiful progress on Frances, Deb! I just love this design - I think this is going to be my New Year's start!

Bekca said...

It looks like you had a lovely time in New York, I would love to visit that city one day. Any progress is good progress - Frances is looking great! I know what you mean about mind wandering to different projects, I keep seeing beautiful Christmas designs I want to stitch! Happy stitching to you.

Kathy said...

I sound like you had a wonderful time in NYC. I haven't been in years. I love the flower frog you found. Frances is looking wonderful. I completley understand your mind wandering to different projects. Happens to me all the time.

Nancy M said...

My friend went to NYC not too long ago. They took a bus and went on a Friday night and were home Saturday night! Now that's a whirlwind trip! With our family enlarging...we didn't have many leftovers. I love dressing and gravy the next day.

Dona said...

Sounds like you had a fantastic time in NY with your sister! Sometimes it's good to have too much fun to find time to stitch. Your Frances Eden is beautiful! And Barbie's looking glamorous, of course!

Siobhán said...

Hey gf! I'm sorry I am soooo behind on everything, from blog commenting to e-mails! I am glad you had a good trip to NY! :) I love your progress on Frances, too. YGG!

Loraine said...

Your trip sounds fabulous! I'm missing that warm weather. :D
Your sampler is looking wonderful! Love all of your finds too. That pincushion reminds me of the one that Jolene found when you two were out roaming around. LOL.
Your Farmer's wife quilt will be fabulous. I wish I would have started on mine. I will this coming year I think, along with DJ.
Have a great day. Wonderful post dear friend.

Roberta said...

I just love NYC, what fun and I am so envious!! Your Farmer's Wife is still coming along I see - How much longer will this quilt BOM go on??

Sorry for being so late in reading - I am way behind!!!

Giovanna said...

Beautiful stitching on Frances Eden - it's a gorgeous project!

Brigitte said...

Oh my, that's what I call busy, lol. But your stay in NYC must have been fun all over.