This weekend everyone took off their separate ways and I was home alone for some part of it. Did I stitch? Of course not. I cleaned the house and the mom-mobile, weeded, washed clothes, washed some windows (geez, I wish I could bottle that energy!). Couldn't get myself to sit down. But I did do something stitchy...........
I actually framed something myself! Thanks to Vonna's tutorial and this frame I found at Michael's in my travels last week, I decided to give it a try and see just how difficult it was. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but the greenish accenting on the frame matches perfectly the grass area where the bird is. And I have to say, it wasn't hard at all......well, maybe I exaggerate that a wee bit - I think I may have cussed a slight bit - but no one was home so I could get away with it! LOL But really, the hardest part was getting it lined up - the pinning was a snap and once I knew I had it centered, I actually liked the pinning part!! I think the centering was a little bit more tedious because of the border around the piece - it's hard to make two parallel lines line up correctly - the black border and the frame border. The best part of this whole experience was the cost - $12.99 for the frame with a 1/2 coupon from Michaels. I already had the matt board and the tape and I learned a trick years ago with the backing. Brown shopping bags dampened straighten themselves out - glue them down with archival glue - and it forms a taunt backing as it dries! I think I can love this cost savings.
So, now I feel like I get some of my smaller framing out of the way. Larger stuff I'll still let the experts handle, but I'm just tickled that I could do it.

Continuing with the nautical theme, I was digging through some things this weekend - actually rearranging things (I'll tell you I was like a woman possessed with the cleaning) and came across this scrimshaw I had purchased through my Sampler Guild. I have an oak quilt cabinet with glass on three sides and a removable glass shelf in the middle, in case you want to use it as a display curio. I was using this for some of my tea cups and for displaying smalls rather than hanging a quilt in it. Now, that the tea cups are going to a new home, I realized the scrimshaw would be great with all the other little things I've put in there. I couldn't get a good pic in the cabinet so I just laid them on the floor (which really isn't a good pic either). I will never actually use these - I can just see the scissor fob shattering if I really put it on the end of a pair of scissors, but since they're nautical, I thought I'd take a pic.

On a non-nautical note, when I was reading blogs this week, I came across Margaret's (my idol for super fast stitching) and she talked about a blog that was asking for pictures of your first quilt. Well, I didn't send a picture, but I did find mine rummaging through the linen closet this weekend trying to get the guest room ready for my sister's visit next week and I found my first two (don't laugh!!)

Okay, can we guess which decade these were made in? LOL Actually, these were made before quilting really became such a revolution like it appears to be now. These patterns came out of Family Circle magazine that my mom had around and I pulled the patterns out of them and kept them when I was a teenager. Years later I actually made them. And dang, I remember cutting the strips for these with scissors - not a rotary cutter! The top one is suppose to have applique hearts in the blank areas (do you think that I had a thing for hearts around that time?). And I remember not enjoying the construction of the Prairie Points around the edges. I never finished these off - I suppose I should.....someday. I still have the hearts cut out and ready for applique. I honestly don't think I'd display either of them now. But then again, who knows. DD saw them and thought they were cute. Perhaps I should finish them off for her.

Okay, can we guess which decade these were made in? LOL Actually, these were made before quilting really became such a revolution like it appears to be now. These patterns came out of Family Circle magazine that my mom had around and I pulled the patterns out of them and kept them when I was a teenager. Years later I actually made them. And dang, I remember cutting the strips for these with scissors - not a rotary cutter! The top one is suppose to have applique hearts in the blank areas (do you think that I had a thing for hearts around that time?). And I remember not enjoying the construction of the Prairie Points around the edges. I never finished these off - I suppose I should.....someday. I still have the hearts cut out and ready for applique. I honestly don't think I'd display either of them now. But then again, who knows. DD saw them and thought they were cute. Perhaps I should finish them off for her.
Well, that's it for me. Have to fly as the rat race continues. I have to say that I'm touched by everyone's comments. I really love reading all of them and your blogs too. You all leave such wonderful comments and I feel that I've made a tremendous amount of wonderful friends! And your blogs are a wonderful source of inspiration!
#5 looks great. I am amazed at your framing :) It looks fantastic. I will one day give it a try myself, for now finished pieces will sit quielty in there drawers.
Take Care
Block 5 came out great the perfect summer day, congrats on the finish. Your framing also came out wonderfully. Good luck with block 6 CJ ok;-)
Block #5 looks just great. Its really such a pretty and happy block. The more I look at your Shores the more I get inspired to stitch mine. Wish you could bottle some of that energy and send it my way. I sure could use some. Keep up the good work Debbie. ; )
Ok, that was definitely not a short blog entry (too funny!)
I love your framed piece - and you did it yourself, very impressive! The frame is just beautiful - what a bargain.
Your quilts are great! It has been fun to see everyone's quilts - this is something I have yet to try.
Enjoy your week.
Cari in VA
Block #5 looks great. Your framing came out nice, too. I've tried framing things myself, but I can never get things centered well. Maybe someday I'll try it again. I certainly would be a cost savings if I could do that.
I wish your could bottle that energy, too. I think that we all could use that little bit of help from time to time.
Golly, Deb, you busy girl! Shores #5 looks fabulous, but I'm incredibly impressed with your framing job and its cost. Way to go!
Your quilts are too cute.
Now, when will you be over to motivate me to get all of my organizing done?
Wow, what a whirlwind! Some days you just have to clean, as much as stitching calls. The framing is amazing, and I read Vonna's instructions and thought "I'll bet that I can do it...maybe," so seeing your perfect-looking results has made me feel even better about trying it. And I love the scrimshaw!
Your Shores is really coming along! Love it. And the framed piece is wonderful, you did a great job.
Fun seing your quilts too :-). They are very pretty.
I love the block that you finished! It is one of my favorites, you finally got the bricks in :D Now onto the big one. I am almost done, I only have the anchor left to do now. I am sure you’ll catch up to me soon. I love the frame job you did, it’s funny because I went and picked up all of the things needed to frame a cross stitch over the weekend. I did a “bad” framing job on one of my pieces and now I intend to fix that, thanks to Vonna.
Block 5 looks wonderful :) Love the frame you picked and your framing is perfect! It's wonderful to save money.
Oh my goodness, your shores looks fabulous! I better get my rear in gear now. I like the idea of taking a month off from block 6. If I could only train myself to work on ONE project at a time, then maybe I will have that luxury.
Your framing is amazing! I can't believe you got the frame for such a great price. Oh my, you did a wonderful job. I'm really very impressed!
It does give one more incentive to finish some smaller pieces, if they can be framed so reasonably.
I love the scrimshaws as well. They are really beautiful. Wow!
We really are so much alike. I can't relax if there are so many things that need to be done. I know it's crazy, but if the house is in disarray I feel "nervous" as well. We must be cut from the same mold.
Love you girl! Thanks again for the great surprise in the mail today. I'm sooooo excited.
Take care and have a fun week with your sister. I hope you get something stitched. Hugs!
Beautiful scrimshaw! It can be quite fragile so I wouldn't actually 'use' it either!
Great job on the framing!
Great job on everything! I would pleased as punch to have any one of those finishes as my own.
Deb, you always have so many things going on, I never know what to comment on first! lol! Love your Shores -- that's one of my favorite blocks. Block 6 takes a while, but really not as long as you think it would. Love those scrimshaw pieces! Wow! Are you going to show that cabinet you're talking about? :D And good job with the framing too! I really need to try as well, but I'm chicken. lol! The quilts are nice too -- isn't it fun to find those old quilts? I don't think I'll ever touch or finish or display my first quilt, but it sure was fun to find it and be horrified at the colors! lol! See, you can't do that with yours! :D
Wow, Deb! That last block is a biggie in itself, if you ask me! Tons of fill in (you know how much I LOVE that!). You are really moving along and it is beautiful! GREAT job on the framing! That is a HUGE cost savings and maybe I need to try it, too. You did a great job on your first quilts - yeah, not quite your style now but still a great job.
And yes gf, you blog like you talk but we all enjoy that so keep it up! See you Saturday at the map class! Can't wait - that should be fun if I don't screw it up too much (the painting the lakes, that is). TTYS,
OMG, Deb!! You did beautiful on your framing!!! I think I'll hire you to frame my samplers...you could start your own framing businessf! I love your Block 5..can't wait to see the finished sampler. Have fun with your sister!
Block #5 looks fantastic and so does that framing job! You go, girl!! It looks professional! I love that design. It is in my to do pile. Yours looks so great! That frame is perfect. :) I know what you mean about summer. It is harder to sit and stitch with it being daylight for so long. Your quilts are pretty too. Have a great week!! :)
Gosh Deb, reading your posts is always such a pleasure, like I was sitting right in front of you having a nice glass of ice-tea! Your shores is FABULOUS!! I am looking forward to starting it soon. What a great job framing your Mermaid Sampler!!!! Hot Dog! Isnt it wonderful to know how to do it yourself, and think of the Moola you save!! :)!!! Just wonderful. Cant wait to see start pics of Block 6!
Holey Doodle, you did a Fabulous job with the framing! You make it sound so easy! Of course Vonna is always great with her tutorials.
Great stitching too! And I laugh along with you on 'first quilts' as I have a few of those (small ones).
ps Sometimes I get this great energy to clean too and don't know where it comes from, especially when it's gone and I wonder how to get that energy again to do ANYthing!
Deb, that block looks amazing. It's my favorite so far. (Love the house). It reminds me of some of the houses in Holland, right on the lake. And good job on the framing. It looks perfect. And you can use regular old Aleene's tacky glue to put the paper on back. Just spritz the paper after the glue has dried. Me, I use those pretty paper bags my LNS packs my order in--works just great. And could you send me some of that energy you used doing the cleaning? I seem to get sidetracked and lose days in books, stitching, framing, etc, since hubby is gone so much. Or perhaps I need to hire a maid? That would be so great!
Don't you just love nautical stuff! It always makes me want to head over to Cali but even though I am only 8 hours away, just can't get over there.
I love your progress on SoHH, and everytime I see it I am tempted to do this piece but am using my willpower to not overextend myself.
Shores just looks wonderful! These are such festive blocks!
Congratulations on block 5 (beautiful!) and your great framing debut! Please don't worry about the double block in the middle, it's less time-consuming than it looks.
Shores is looking wonderful Debbie, congratulations on finishing block 5! :) Love your framing too, the frame is just perfect for the design and you did a great job!
Beautiful progress on shores and beautiful framing job! :)
Great progress on Shores. Already five blocks, that's not bad. But the biggest is just ahead.
Congratulations on your framing efforts. Looks really good.
Your Shores is so beautiful! You are using NPI silks, right?
OMG, your framing is just perfect!! You did a great job! I love that design and have stitched it too, but I had to pay to have it framed....having no patience of my own!
Can you please send some of that cleaning energy my way?! It's too darn hot here to move around very much! But you go girl!
Shores is really cool, Deb. I'm proud of you for framing that piece. It looks terrific, and I love that design, too. Great job on both.
I LOVE your number 5 on SOHRH! My you have been a busy little bee havne't you. Wish I had a quarter of your energy. Lots of Love Patti xxx
Sounds like you have been one busy lady! Wish you could come out this weekend, but we'll have a lot of changes after it's over. It would be great if you could come to the p.j. party on the 31st, it will be so much fun and we will have our fall preview! Talk to you soon, Dawn
It's always lovely to hear from you. I enjoyed your post. What a lovely finish on your block #5. I absolutely love that house! And your framing job turned out so beautifully. You ought to be proud of those quilts -- they are cute!!!
Great stitching.
Well done on framing a piece. it looka great.
That sure is some wonderful stitching.
I have an award for you, go take a look at my blog for it please.
Your Shores block is gorgeous! I think that's my favorite block in the whole piece. Your framing looks great too!
I just wanted to take a moment and say thanks for the comment on my blog and that you are truely one to aspire to in your stitchy accomplishments. They just look so awesome when they're framed. Or not.
Oh lord! I had to come back and add that I didn't mean they were not awesome when I said "or not". They are, regardless of the frame.
Gosh I feel stupid. I'm glad I'm so worried that I might make typos and always look back at what I type so I can catch stupid stuff like that. Being missunderstood is terrible.
Your framing job looks fantastic!! Inspires me to try it even more than Vonna's awesome tutorial did.
Block #5 looks mah-velous as well.
Way to go with the cleaning! Didn't it feel so good at the end of the day to step back and take a look at the fruits of your labor?
Hey, how is your craft room coming along?
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