I was really touched this week by a couple of things. The kindness of strangers never ceases to amaze me. A post or two ago, I made a whiny remark about not having time to make fobs for my scissors. I wasn't really whining, just lamenting the fact that I wasn't born a four headed person with eight arms so that I can stitch faster in the time I have! About a week later a package arrived:

(Sorry for the bad pic - I took this ten times in different locations. I think I need a new camera - or maybe a new operator????)
Ranae made me not one, but two beautiful scissors fobs. I can't tell you how stunned and touched I was by her gift of giving. Both are beautiful and have extra touches that I was so surprised at. Envision me doing the Snoppy Happy Dance here. On the red and black one - a sewing machine charm - of course, I love sewing. On the second, the saying, "Laugh often, love much", another one of my favorite sayings with my name in beads strung along the length. Now I certainly can't lose those as I take them on my travels! Ranae, your thoughtfulness really, really touched me so much and I can't thank you enough for them. They look beautiful on my frog:

The second act of kindness from a stranger was this blogger award from Wendy. Wendy, thank you so much for the award, and everyone stop over to see her wonderful blog. I'm suppose to designate people to pass this award to, but I can't pick only a few people. Every blog that I have listed on my sidebar are blogs that I love and I couldn't possibly pick only a few. So this award is for everyone!!
I am so touched by people's thoughtfulness!!!
On the stitching front........

.........little stitching was done this week. Basically just the whale on Block 6 and not even the entire whale. Stitching time has been at a real premium! Hopefully after this week and my daughter's rehearsals and performances are out of the way and I get my sister settled (arrival Thursday), there will be more time for stitching again.
This weekend I had the greatest time attending Catherine Jordan's Map of the Great Lakes of North America class:

We didn't start off with the large map first. Catherine had designed a companion notebook for us to work on first so that we could get the hang of painting on the fabric:

This was what I got done over the two days. Doesn't look like much - could it be because we were also jawing a lot during the class?? No, not us - okay, we did get shussed a couple times! LOL We also worked on some hem stitches on a bookmark so that we could get the hang of finishing off the edges of our map. Eventually the notebook will look like this. I'm using Wisconsin's as an example, but you'll get the idea:

Catherine is a such wonderful teacher and sweet person.

I learned a lot of tips and techniques and I can't wait to start on the larger map. She also brought along a few more of her projects and I'll tell you it's hard to resist. I ordered the Jamestown Map (shame on me). My family spent a lot of time along the East coast when I was young, so I had to have it!!
Jamestown Map:
She also brought along a couple others.
Texas Map:

Catherine also brought some things along for sale. I wish I had taken more pictures of all the beautiful things she brought with her. I had to pick up this ruler. It has Adam and Eve on it, so you know I can't resist. Not a clear picture (again).

Catherine is coming back in September as there was an overwhelming response to this class and the group had to be broken down into two. She is also going to be teaching a couple of 1/2 day classes for painted and embroidered needlebooks, and yes, I did sign up (but shame on me, I didn't take a picture of it).
Her works are wonderful to look at and to work on and have so many details in them. What's nice about them, is if you have memories of a place within the state, you can add your own touches, or she will help you add them in. Michigan is big on apples, so I know that I'll have to add that, and my mom was in the running for Peach Queen in Romeo many years ago, so I know that I'll have to get that in there too! It's going to be such a fun project.
Well, that's it for me. Being gone for a whole weekend - well, you can imagine what the house looks like. The DH and kids did clean the bathrooms (SHOCK!!) and weeded out the entire yard (a daunting task sometimes), but there is a HUGE pile of laundry that I have to start on. I also have not had time to check blogs for the past four days, so I've got a lot of catching up to do.
Thanks for all your comments once again, thank you so much, Ranae, for the beautiful fobs and Wendy for the award, and I hope that everyone has a wonderful, stitchy week.
What a beautiful class! I'm going to have to look for that Texas map. And I agree the Illinois map is something special.
Wow, that sounds like such a neat and informative class, and I love the maps!!
Good for you to receive gifties and an award, more then deserving you are!! Aren't surprises wonderful? I agree that Illinois map is really special!!
Your hubby deserves a hug for taking care of some things (notice I said some things, not all?) while you were away at class!! Enjoy your week, and enjoy your sister's visit!!
Take care Debbie!!
It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! The class sounds great and the patterns are just beautiful.
How very generous of Renae to send you the scissor fobs - what a delightful surprise for you.
Enjoy your day.
Cari in VA
Wow! How cool is that! Nice fobs! And the class -- looks like it was really fun! I wish I had a good guild around me -- I can't understand why there isn't a good one here in my county. :( Congrats on your purchases and future class!
Thanks for sharing all the class details it looks amazing. CJ ok;-)
WOW - love the maps!!! Sounds like it was a fantastic class and project! And love watching your progress on Shores, it's quite an accomplishment getting through each square!
Love the scissor fobs!! What a great class you took...the patterns are beautiful. I want to start hand stitching more often, but it seems that I'm always machine embroidering...which I love, but I do miss the hand work.
Have a great week.
Sounds like a great class and the maps look great, no wonder your struggling to resisit them.
Beautiful fobs. I truely envy anyone with more than one pair of scissors as I'd love to start a collection but can't justify that one to my husband at the moment
Oh my goodness that looks like SO much fun! I'm glad that you had a great time.
hey - I have good friends who lived in Romeo - she also had a stitching shop there for a few years and her folks ran a B&B - was that your home town too? may be interesting to note that's where Kid Rock was raised as well ( or may not be LOL) love your fob gifties - whooo- gotta love unexpected presents - It sounds like you all had a great time in Catherine's class. It's sure fun to do classes on occasion - always something to be learned. Mel
What an awesome class!
Do you know if the map patterns are for sale anywhere?
Oh, I love maps! These are beautiful, and now I want one. So glad you had a fun weekend with the girls.
That was a fun class, Deb and I think your pics captured it quite nicely! And BTW, I don't think we were just "shushed", I think we were yelled out (in a sweet, southern way, of course)!
Darling fobs - what a nice thing!
Score! Yay for you on your beautiful gifts and your award! You deserve them!
Enjoy your hectic week! :)
I enjoyed reading about the class - what fun it must have been. And you're doing great on Shores!
Deb I love those MAPS!!!! Good grief! I'm going to have to have the Great Lakes one for certain! Reminds me of vacationing up in Michigan when I was young!
Hope your week is going great!!!
What beautiful scissor fobs you received from Ranae. They are gorgeous.
Nice progress on Shores:)
Wow those maps look fantastic!
What a great week! (Besides all the cleaning and weeding, LOL)
What a great class. The map is really neat. I am really amazed that it is "stitched". It doesn't look like it at all.
I love the scissor fobs. What a sweetie Renae is. Almost like someone else I know sending me her Amish patterns. (smiles*)
Hope you have a great week! I love your blog so much. It makes me happy when I see a post from you.
What a wonderful class you had. I think I might start moaning soon - do you think anything will happen? Suddenly I get a RAK? No I didn't think so either. I can't get over the fact that your family cleaned the bathroom! I really want to know who is going to clean my bathrooms when I'm dead. Just curious is all. Lots of Love Patti xxx
Wow!! It looks like you had an incredible weekend, Deb! I'm so glad. I don't think I've ever seen stuff by Catherine Jordan before and wow, I just love the maps! So cool. Beautiful progress on Shores! Lucky you with the lovely gifties, too. :) You deserve the kindness, gf.
You did a great job on the fabric painting! So glad you husband held down the fort while you were away--sounds like you enjoyed yourself!
Hi Debbie,
Those scissor fobs are so pretty, and what a nice gesture. I always love seeing your Shores update. I finally broke down and ordered the silks. They came yesterday. I am trying to make myself finish Bird in the Bower before I start Shores, but it is hard. That class looks like it was a lot of fun. I love the look of the paint on the fabric. Really beautiful. I have never seen that technique before. Hope you have a great week! Enjoy your sister's visit!! :)
Oh my..those maps are beyond amazing!! And what a thoughtful person to do those fobs for you. They're just beautiful.
Your so very welcome. I don't do exchanges (I should)so this is fun for me.
I love them maps. I have to get my hands on them, are they avaiable??
They are just too cool. Thanks for sharing with us. Is it cross stitch and back stitching??? You have certaintly piqued my interest, lol
Sounds like you need a laundry fairy, lol
Congrats! on the award you deserve it
Awesome class--loving the map stuff! And Ranae is so great to have sent that RAK to you. What a cheer up that is!
Hi Debbie, I just found your blog today and love it! The frog for your scissors is a fabulous idea and your stitching is beautiful. I love Catherine Jordan - sounds like you had a great time in her class.
wow what a great class!! Love the maps! looks like lots of fun to stitch :)
hmmmm do you think if we all whined a bit Ranae would make fobs for us too? lol .. they look wonderful and it's nice to be spoiled sometimes, isn't it :)
What a great class! The Great Lakes map is awesome.
You received lovely fobs, lucky girl.
Good progress on Shores too.
How fun! The class sounds great, and it's wonderful how generous people are ,isn't it?
Thanks for coming by my blog, and for commenting there.
You are so blessed! That's exactly the kinda' map I mentioned wanting to do a while back. I just love that ole' world look. I hope someday I can get a chart.
The class you attended was certainly fun. I do envy you a little bit because there's nothing like that over here. These stitched maps look very interesting.
Hi Deb,
I loved seeing the pictures of the class. DH is from Illinois so I might have to think about making the Illinois map. Now if she would just make one for Maryland! Though part of Maryland is on the Jamestown map. Hmmm...
Beautiful fobs! Raneae did a great job and is a wonderful friend to spend the time to make them and then send them to you. :-)
And you earned a blog award. Congratulations!!!
Windy Meadow
So nice to see your scissor fob filling up. Generous gifts no matter how small or large are always a welcoming surpise. The kindness of others always amazes me especially in this day and age. Looks like the 3 of you had fun at your map class. Good for You!
What a great class! I love the maps!
Wow looks like you had a blast at your class! I love the great lakes map... and Texas!
Somehow I missed this post but I love those maps and I bet it was loads of fun. With one whale you still had a whale of a time and you are making progress. Nice fobs. Don't be so camera shy. Would love to see you one day.
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