Adam and Eve
The City Stitcher
40ct. Vintage Meadowrue
DMC threads
Well, woo hoo! Adam and Eve is finished! And I'm doing a happy dance because I just never thought I'd get it done. I don't know why, but it seemed like I was stitching this forever, although I really wasn't! Maybe it was the 40 count fabric and the fact that I keep jumping back to Shores. Excuse the pictures though - I just can't get a good close-up shot to save my soul. Perhaps time for a new camera. This one is getting up there in years. But......wait.......OMG! I don't believe it!!!! I'm admiring my handiwork and just noticed that it's not finished! (insert head smack) Seems like I forgot two round thingys next to the word 'disgraced'. Oh good grief! I'm so embarrassed. But obviously not that embarrassed because I'm just going to keep going with this post and worry about those thingys later. HA! But I just don't believe it!
I was so happy last night when I did the last satin stitch at the bottom, that in my exuberance, I took that stinker off the scroll rods so fast and declared another project finished. Well, we'll just count this as a finish, won't we? I'll put the round thingys in later and that will be that! The Stanley Cup Playoffs Game 7 is tonight - GO WINGS! And I'll get some stitching time in then. Not going back to the Shores until next week. I pulled out SB's Queen Bee - should be a quick stitch. Block 5 on Shores seems so stitch intensive, that I need a little play time!
In reading blogs this week (when I could get time for them - and if I missed yours, I'm trying to catch up so bear with me), I was saddened to learn that Jean Hilton passed away. Jean was the designer of some of the most beautiful needlepoint patterns I've ever seen. I have quite a few of her books (not surprising with my stash collection), and I actually did one of her designs called Gleneagle:

I marvel to this day that I ever finished this. It took me nine months of exclusive stitching and I was working full time and had a year old son. I wish that it wasn't behind glass because it really is a beautiful design and some of the blocks warrant a close up shot. She used wonderful stitches and was famous for her use of the Jessica Stitch and I believe she invented one called the Mistake Stitch. So detailed are her designs that in the upper left corner, the middle section is a raised God's Eye, giving that block a 3-Dimensional look. I love all her work so much and am really saddened by the news of her passing.
I have managed to make a couple road trips in the past couple of weeks. I really didn't buy much of anything except an antique looking rooster for my sister's place in Long Island. But I did come across this prim mannequin that will look great in my craft room (still under construction). It's not often you find sewing related things in a prim store:

I also read on Tracy's blog (Passion of the Day), that she has set up two blogs. One for Shepherd's Bush fans, Shepherd's Bush Village, for people to post their SB finishes and another one for the Plantation Sampler, so you may want to check them out.

I have finally decided to do a SAL with Tracy and some others on the Plantation Sampler. I've had this in my stash for 22 years, and last year my Sampler Guild made it one of their projects. I didn't join them at the time because I really stink at SALS. Big Time!!! But then I saw that this blog had been set up and that Margaret has been working on this and I love how hers looks, I figured it was time to bite the bullet. This is going to be a pretty loose SAL, so I think that I can do it. I wouldn't want anyone to put money on my finish of it anytime soon, but I'm going to give it a try.
This week has been busy so there isn't much else going on. Kids got out of school this week, but both are going to summer classes through the end of July - my daughter to a Summer Theater program, and my son wants to knock out two classes so he won't have to take them in the fall - gym (don't we all love gym - LOL), and Economics.
But I do have to tell you about a find my DH came across. My DH is addicted to Sam's Club and Costco. If there was some kind of help group for this addiction he would be a prime candidate (but then again, I have my stash addiction, so we'll just let him have his). I used to love going in there and strolling through the aisles, picking up the latest books, etc. But now DH has this addiction and I don't seem to go but once or twice a year. The kids no longer ask where Dad is on a Saturday morning. My son just says, "Dad must be playing the Hunter/Gatherer role again". LOL It's the truth. He's got it bad. Well, this weekend he came across a real find. At least I think it is. We've been trying to furnish this house since we moved into it 4 years ago. Our family room was just about finished last year (previous post) but we still need a few pieces. DH and my taste are totally different, but he came home and said that he thought he found a table he thought I would like. Well, this is what he found:

He took me back over to the store, I took one look at it and said "SOLD SAYS ME"! The people standing around must have thought I had lost it. I couldn't believe it. Just what I was looking for and without the high cost of a regular furniture store. Our room is gold, black, and red so this fits right in. The top four drawers open individually, and the rest are two doors that open with shelves inside. It's a little less bright red then the picture and distressed. I was besides myself because DH just isn't into that sort of thing, but I had been making noises about filling out the corner. Perhaps he was worried that I would find something expensive, so finding something at Sam's would save himself some moola. I'm sure he'll regret it when the bill comes in that he even showed it to me. He's going to regret it more when I put those decorative touches on it and above it! LOL

Well, that's it for me but I thought I'd post a flower pick (everyone's doing it, so I will too). It's about time for flowers here in Michigan. The way the weather has been I doubt we're actually going to get summer, but I don't mind if it's cooler.
Hope that everyone has a great weekend and gets some stitching time. Again, I really love all the comments and emails that people send. And if I missed your blog this week, I'm getting there. I love reading what everyone is up to and stitching!