Adam and Eve
Examplars From The Heart
32 count Vintage Country Mocha
GAST Threads
I finished Examplars From The Heart's Adam and Eve this weekend. This was a fun and quick stitch. The pattern called for 40 ct something-or-other, which I didn't have. I had this left over piece of the VCM from the Mermaid Sampler, so decided to use that.

At first I was put off by some of the colors used (yes, I know, I can use creative license and change them), but the more I stitched it, I began to love the kind of wonkiness to it. The colors are actually really vivid. I did make one change - A&E were to be stitched in Porcelain, but I didn't have that thread, so I subbed Wild Oats. Seems appropriate for those two - sowing their wild oats in the garden, don't you think? The picture is a little washed out though. I don't know what's going on with my camera today. Picture taking usually works out so much better outside, but today isn't the day to go outside for picture taking. Because it looks like this:

Yep, another six inches of snow fell last night! It is April 6th, isn't it? Usually by this time, I'm starting to see my hydrangeas pushing up little bits of green, but nothing yet. I did notice the trees have some little buds though, so that's encouraging. I'm sure this won't be around long because it's going to be 50 again in a couple of days. I do love snow, but not this late in the season! Some schools got the day off - not ours (mom secretly chuckles here). My kids were so bummed!
Hope everyone has a great week!
I can't believe it when I see pictures with this amount of snow at this time of the year. But then - we already had it too, just not this year.
Your finish looks really good and I love the colours you used. Wild Oat seems to be perfect, for different reasons, lol.
Loved this little finish. Such a nice job.
Snow, yuck! We keep getting dumped on too. I'm soooo sick of it! I hope it doesn't snow for Easter.
Thanks for the invite to work on Shores. I would love to join you. I know that Siobhan is working on it as well. She is such a sweetie. I really appreciate the encouragement I get from both of you!
If I come to Michigan, I will certainly let you know. It would be fun to get together for lunch or something. My brother has only lived there for 8 months or so. He is doing his residency in a hospital up there. I should come and visit sometime soon. His daughter and mine are only a week apart in age, and they are dying to see each other.
Have a great day. I love chatting with you.
Wow, it's so pretty, Deb! The colors are really fun! I can't believe so many people are still getting snow! I sure hope it doesn't come here! We're just getting rain today, knock on wood! lol!
WE're supposed to get snow this afternoon and tonight...there go my dogwood blossoms.
I love your project, they colors are great!
That snow would have been either screaming for warmth or else just sitting at home all snuggled up stitching. I love your latest finish - you are quite right the colors are quirky and I really love them. Lots of Love Patti xxx
I love your new Adam and Eve, especially the wild oats part. Or should I say parts? LOL ... sorry. The colors look great.
How cute is that, Deb? I'm with you on the smalls. I'm getting burned out on these larger samplers.
Love your small sampler, Deb, even with the unusual colors! I know what you mean about the big projects. I seem to be drawn to them like a frog to pond water. :P I'm trying to make myself stitch some smallies this year in addition to the biggies! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm happy to know you'll be stitching with us on "This is the Day." Just started mine last night.
What a great finish, Deb!!! I love it - why haven't I seen this one before? I need to see this in person - bring it next time we have lunch, k?
Can you BELIEVE the snow???? I almost cried this morning when I saw it. Took about 15 extra minutes to get to work this morning- the roads were a disaster. Can't wait till this nasty weather is done!
Deb, I love this finish! I am started to really like peacocks in designs now for some reason.... they are pretty. I agree with you about smaller finishes. I'm trying to get smaller finishes now when I add to my stash because I have so many large ones started.
Today, we have snow in the forecast and this was the coldest April day I can remember, cloudy but no snow yet. That picture is pretty, looks like it should be Christmas with all that snow.
Deb, your needles are going to burst into flames soon and that's a very good thing. :) Your Adam and Eve wall will be filled in no time! Lovin' those peacocks by the way. I am such a sucker for stitching those beauties. As for the Wild Oats... love the comment! lol BTW, DS thought (as I did) that they'd get a snow day, too. He had to go and let's just say he was a bit miffed! ;)
What a fun little piece! Yes, the colours are unusual, but they're gorgeous. Congrats on the finish, and good luck with the snow - even here in northern Italy we once had a heavy snowfall at sea level on 18 April, so we're not necessarily safe, despite the burst of spring all around us.
Ah looks like spring in Edmonton :) Of course not much different when we moved here to Denver. What is the sampler at the top of your blog? i just love it!!!
I love your Adam & Eve sampler! I can't believe you have snow. It has gotten chilly here, but no snow. Mother Nature's clock is a little off, I think.
Deb, I love the vivid colors too! Nice change, and yes I do understand, sometimes those smaller finishes, make the BAPS a little easier to bear!!
WE didn't get the snow, just a few flurries and monsoon rain, peppered with hail, but it is sure is still very brrr cold here today!! Spring will be here eventually, right?
Great finish!!
OMG, I love your finish, it's adorable!! A&E samplers are my favorite!!
All of that snow...I can't imagine!
We don't get that in Texas ;-)
Love you blog Deb - I just found it thru Legacy - Your A&E is very cool - I just started the primitive needle A&E - it has some motifs that match a rug I am hooking so it will be perfect. I'm thinking about getting my Shores out and trying to put into rotation - since there is a whole group working on it again. Melody
Hi Deb. E-mail me, I will see what I can do about the "Angel's O're this House" pattern by Chessie and Me.
Have a great day. Thanks so much for your wonderful comment.
I love this Adam and Eve piece with the bright colors.
We haven't had more than flurries but with two nights below 30 the daffodils are looking sad.
Oooooh, fabulous!! Deb, I love your A&E! I can't wait to get my charts. I need to see if my card's been charged yet. Lovely work--I love the funky colors! Hope your tooth is better.
Sweet finish, Deb! Love the colors!! Sorry about the snow... when I talked to my mom this eve (she's in Leonard) she was brinign in firewood b/c she said it was like... 30. Ugh! :( I hope it warms up soon for y'all!!
I love your finish! Yuck snow! Im not too big a fan. xx
I love smaller projects too. And right now I am working on three big stitching I need to pick up a small one very soon.
Sorry to say this...but I love seeing your snow. I miss snow as we rarely get any in Holland.
Hugs ~
Beautiful finishing!!!
Wow, it's hard to imagine so much snow this time of year.
Congratulations on your finish, it's lovely.
Yes, you have definitely been busy, but then you have always loved to do tons of different things. I wish I could just sit down long enough to finish one projective in 5 years! LOL
I love the Adam and Eve sampler.
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