Hi everyone. I hope that you had a great Easter! Ours was good although a little different with MIL still in the hospital. Since my husband's family is Polish they have certain traditions that they follow as far as food. With MIL not able to cook, it was left up to the rest of us to try to carry the tradition. I'm not sure how well we did (I don't have a drop of Polish blood in my body so I'm not the best person to cook those things), but we were all fed (
it definitely didn't taste as good as my MIL's food though). BTW, thank you for your wishes for my MIL. Her wrist surgery went well, although they also found that she broke her thumb on the other hand. She's in physical therapy, and if her x-rays look good this Friday, they'll change the cast and send her home.
Since it's been so busy the past couple weeks with trips out to the in-laws and my DD being home for spring break, I haven't had a lot of time for my crafty pursuits, but I've gotten a little bit more of Ann done. Are you tired of seeing her yet?
I'm on the home stretch - I finally made it to the final portion! Although with all the grass at the bottom it's going to take me a while. And you'll notice that my people don't seem to have heads (
pictures are clickable)! Since the parts to be filled in are over one thread, I decided to tackle that at the end. I have a hard time getting any rhythm switching from over two to over one. I hope to be finished with this by the end of next week, but I think that I'm being a little overly optimistic on that score!! I know that I'm getting restless for her to be finished though as I've been rooting around in the overflowing stash for my next stitching victim.
I've also managed to get a little bit of quilting in. Remember these strips:
Well, I managed to get them cut into even smaller strips:
And from there managed to get a few nine patches done. I started with the colors I didn't like - brown and green. Not my favorite combination, but I wanted to get them out of the way:
This is going to be a very scrappy looking quilt.
Then I put together this month's blocks for the Cotton Club. These are such fun little blocks to make and take no time at all. I wish that I could get all the blocks at once because they're like potato chips - you don't want to stop sewing them!
So that's about all I've accomplished in the past couple of weeks. Not as much as I'd like, but life gets in the way sometimes. I'm anxiously awaiting my Phebe BOM to show up and it seems that I have managed to get a couple other people on board to do the quilt also. This should be a lot of fun!!
I did have a surprise last week and won a giveaway on
Kelly's blog. I won the cutest pincushion from her:
Her blog is called Undeniably Domestic if you want to take a look. She has a really cute blog and has the cutest curtains hanging in her kitchen window made out of aprons! Thank you Kelly!!
I've noticed that I've picked up quite a few new followers and I wanted to say Welcome to all of you and have a giveaway. I also feel a little bad because I haven't had much time to comment on everyone's blogs with all the things going on with my MIL the past couple of weeks. I've been lurking but haven't had time to leave comments. About a month or so ago, I passed by the Salvation Army. Well, I really didn't pass by, I dropped off donations and ran inside to see what I could find. While in there I found this:

A flower frog. Sitting there all by its lonesome. I already have one like this, but I couldn't just leave it on the shelf, could I? So I brought it home and would love to send it to one of my followers. I do have to warn that the base does need some cleaning up which I'm not sure how to do, but it's in really great shape otherwise. And it needs a new home. All you have to do is leave a comment that you'd like a chance to win it. I'll probably include something to be put into it also! What's a flower (scissor) frog without scissors? I'll pick a winner next Sunday, April 15th.
Oh, and before I forget,
Joanne at Serendipitous Stitching is have an Easter Treasure Hunt. Follow the link to her blog for all the details. I took part in the treasure hunt and you can see my clue in the post before this one.
I hope that everyone has a great week!!